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Today’s Free Kindle Book!

Don’t, under any circumstances, download and read today’s free Kindle book to your child unless you want to smell their feet. They will ask you to do so once the story ends. You have been warned;)

Children’s Picture Book – Do Your Toes Stink Good? by Beth Hammond

today's free kindle book, Do your toes stink good?Encourage your child’s senses with a tale that puts a spin on the “This Little Piggy…” game. Toes have names, personality, and their very own smell! Let me take you on a funny adventure where toes are people! The illustrations are colorful and whimsical. This story is sure to create a fun atmosphere for the parent and child alike. Don’t be surprised if your child asks you to smell their feet! Honestly, I want to know if your toes stink good!


About the author of today’s free Kindle book, Beth Hammond:

today's free kindle book, Do your toes stink good? by Beth HammondBeth Hammond, is an author/illustrator who writes anything from YA fantasy to children’s picture books. She is a wife, mother, and lover of life. Her early years were spent serving in the military. Her middle years spent raising babies and figuring out her place in the world. She created stories for her book loving children and recently released “Do Your Toes Stink Good?”, “The Blond Korean and the Blue-Eyed frog”, and “Puppy Waits”. Her YA fantasy novel “The Sound Of The Stones” is newly released and available now. Her later years are yet to come, and filled with hopes and endless dreams. She spends her days creating worlds through words and illustration.

Visit her blog: http://bethhammond.com
Like her on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/authorbethhammond
Follow her on Twitter: https://twitter.com/BethHammond0o0

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Today’s Featured eBook is by G. Houston.

Today's featured eBook by G. HoustonWings Passage of Time takes young readers on an adventure through two generations of faeries. They will face romance, birth, a magical Queen, death and a terrifying Witch. Their journey brings about the unification of two races where good overcomes evil.

We meet three types of faeries in the story: Unseens (able to disappear), Lights (able to emit bright light), and Trolls (bad-tempered faeries with no special abilities). Although Lights and Trolls reside in the nearby forest, Unseens live hidden inside a large house with humans.
In Part One, brother and sister Unseens, Glemce and Faze, venture into the forest and meet forest Lights, and then live among them to bridge the gap between the two types of faeries. Dirty, bug-eating Trolls, however, present a constant threat to the other tiny winged forest creatures. (Depictions of Trolls range from humorous to horrific, making them perpetual scene stealers.)

Part Two takes place many years later and introduces the next generation of faeries. Sage, the new faerie queen, unites all magical forest creatures – making friends of Unseens, Lights, and Trolls.

Part Three – an abrupt change in focus rather than time – emphasizes human interactions with faeries and with each other. Able to shape-shift into human and animal forms, Sage befriends Thomas, the man who owns the house in which Glemce, Faze, and other Unseens were raised, along with the land Lights and Trolls call home.

Together, humans and faeries fight an evil witch with murderous intentions.

If you’re an author and want to have your upcoming free eBooks listed here, fill out this form.

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Victoria’s romantic suspense novel

Victoria HowardDaniel Elliot dies in a single-car accident one rainy English night. His wife, Grace, is grief stricken. Although their marriage was imperfect, sheltered Grace doesn’t relish the future alone.

She soon learns how little she knew about Daniel. There are secrets: an alias, a strange list of numbers, a house in Florida – and a mistress who’s a dead ringer for Grace.

Terrified but determined, she flies to Florida. Underworld figures stalk her…and so does the other woman. To her surprise, handsome FBI man Jack West takes the case. Grace has a past with the troubled agent. Despite her efforts, she finds herself falling for him all over again.

With danger around every curve, Grace and Jack navigate the criminal world of south Florida to find the truth behind the Ring of Lies.

PLEASE NOTE: Ring of Lies is written in British English, using standard British spelling and grammar.

About the author, Victoria Howard:

Victoria HowardVictoria Howard is the author of three romantic suspense novels; The House on the Shore, (a 2009 Joan Hessayon Award finalist), Three Weeks Last Spring, and Ring of Lies. She is also the author of several short stories, including the Kindle short, A Little Protection.

Born in Liverpool, Victoria trained as a medical secretary, and subsequently worked for the National Health Service. She spent twenty years living on a croft in the Highlands of Scotland, managing a company involved in the offshore oil and gas industry.

During those rare times when she isn’t writing, she can be found curled up with a book, gardening, designing knitwear, walking her Border collie, Rosie, or travelling the world.
Victoria is also a member of Romantic Novelists’ Association.

Visit Victoria’s website: www.victoriahoward.co.uk

Like her on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Victoria.Howard.Author

Follow her on Twitter: https://twitter.com/VictoriaHoward_

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Growing Pains Book 1 is only $0.99!

growing painsDoesn’t growing up remind you of a roller coaster? You are going up, up and up and as soon as you make it to the top yeah life will try and drop you back down. Even when you steady yourself make sure you hold on tight; don’t forget about those gigantic loops!

Growing up can get some kinda crazy huh? No worries you are not alone. Meet Kendra Foster she OVERstands. She experiences all the highs, lows, ups, downs and everything in between.

Her family seems to be in a permanent state of disarray. There is only one high school she wants to attend but it’s going to take a miracle for her to go. She’s finally become a cheerleader, the best thing to happen to her in forever, but it wreaks havoc in a totally unexpected way. She’s only got one year to capture Jamie’s attention but with the new girl everyone’s going crazy over she doesn’t stand much of a chance does she?

Kendra’s Diaries is Book One of The Growing Pains Series. It’s a heartwarming Coming of Age Series which will inspire us all to stay positive and never give up. Life has a way of working itself out.

Kendra’s strapped in and ready to ride. Come along!!

About the author of Kendra’s Diaries, KP Smith:

growing painsI believe everyone is here for a reason. They are here for a purpose. I believe that life is a gift to be enjoyed not endured. We are here to thrive not merely survive.

Whether it’s penning My Growing Pains Series or my upcoming non-fiction books, or coaching first time indie authors or helping people with their relationships; I’m always discovering new ways to help people live their best lives possible.

When I’m not in author/coach mode, I love reading and watching sports football, basketball, tennis, golf yeah basically all of them.

I’m also a big TV watcher (maybe too big? Nah no such thing). I love my soaps; soaper for life love my night time dramas. These are enjoyable and a perk is it also helps with my creative thinking/writing process. The only thing better than watching my favorite shows is watching it with millions of others via twitter!! I’m a major tweeter!

I have a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration with a concentration in Marketing from Xavier University Louisiana and a Masters of Business Administration with a concentration in Marketing from Loyola University Chicago.

I have a wonderful family life including two wonderful sons. I live in NOLA (New Orleans, Louisiana) home of Mardi Gras, Jazz, great food and Southern Hospitality.

Alien Crucible is free today!

alien crucibleSupplied Sub-Logs: Jamie Livio Raner, a specialist in Fusion Warfare, becomes one of the most effective operatives in the Aryan Military. After he is offered the job as “The Sentinel” to protect a baby, Jamie equivocates.

When the Cardinal Unit delivers baby Ara, who has potent but surreptitious adversaries, to Perza Space Station in Iota, Jamie knows it has to do with matter levels rising in Iotan space. He understands Pure-Gens are worried as it will bring about the Genocide Vote which will result in either the targeted destruction of thousands of races or the indiscriminate release of antimatter.

Shockingly, Ara alone will hold the deciding vote, thus becoming both champion and destroyer regardless of her choice. But Ara considers herself a farmer’s daughter with boyfriend troubles. She loves building robots and wants to become a planet and life-systems engineer. As soon as Jamie learns why her enemy is inexplicably supporting her rather than working against her, all he wants to do is to take Ara away from all the chaos and protect her from all that she must face.

Author’s Note: This log moves quickly through time from sub-log to sub-log. For this reason it is written from mainly Jamie and Ara’s points of view (all 3rd person POV). Log 4 to Log 15 are more traditionally written and each spans approximately a year or less. New version uploaded 5th May 2016 AEST, minor corrections, full TOC added. V3 April16.

About the author of Log 1 Matter | Antimatter (Alien Crucible), S.V. Brown:

Alien Crucible author, Selina Valen BrownI grew up in Australia and have lived in most states and territories. I’ve never left Australia though and I guess to compensate I chose to travel in my imagination (too corny?). The place and time I remember the most was living in the middle of nowhere (SA) and I’ll never forget how loud true silence could be! It was out on the cattle ranch that I really appreciated the velvety night skies. Those memories, and my love of all things science fiction, has led me to want to write my own stories within the confines of that genre. On a personal note, Selina was a name my mum gave me after listening to ‘Me and Bobby McGee’. It’s spelt differently though, in the song, it’s a place “Salinas”. I hope my joy in writing translates to my stories.
Thank you for coming on this journey with me.

Follow S.V. Brown on Twitter: https://twitter.com/@Alien_Crucible/

Like S.V. Brown on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/selinavalenbrown/

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