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Henry Gallant is on his way from Jupiter to Mars

henry gallantAs the last star fighter in squadron 111, Midshipman Henry Gallant is on his way from Jupiter to Mars. With the United Planets’ fleet on the verge of annihilation, he can expect no help as he passes through the asteroid belt and threatening aliens. With so much uncertainty about the aliens’ capabilities and intentions, analyzing the captured computer equipment in Gallant’s possession could prove crucial. The fate of Earth could rest on the abilities of Midshipman Henry Gallant. Unfortunately, it is his abilities that have been much in doubt during his tour of duty.

In an era of genetic engineering, he is the only Natural (non-genetically enhanced) officer left in the fleet. His classmates and superior officers have all expressed their concern that he will not be up to the demands of the space service.

Only bright and attractive junior officer Kelsey Mitchel has shown any sympathy for him. Now as his navigator on the last fighter in squadron 111, her life as well as a good many others, depends of Henry Gallant.

VOLUME 1: Second Edition

About the author of today’s free eBook, Midshipman Henry Gallant, H. Peter Alesso:

H. Peter AlessoAs a scientist and author specializing in technology innovation, H. Peter Alesso has over twenty years research experience at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL). As Engineering Group Leader at LLNL he led a team of computer scientists and engineers in innovative applications across a wide range of supercomputers, workstations and networks. He graduated from the United States Naval Academy with a B.S. and served in the U.S. Navy on nuclear submarines before completing an M.S. and an advanced Engineering Degree at M.I.T. He has published several software titles and numerous scientific journal and conference articles, and he is the author/co-author of eight books. (Website www.hpeteralesso.com)

He’s grateful to those who have posted favorable reviews of his work. He encourages those who would like to receive email notification of future books to click the Follow button on the Author’s page.

Lunar Discovery is only $0.99 today on Amazon!

Lunar Discovery by Salvador Mercer

lunarA Chinese rover finds an ancient alien artifact on the dark side of the moon and NASA finds itself in a newly minted space race against the Russians and Chinese to secure the technology. Short cuts are taken and risks measured as all three space super powers vie to obtain the prize.

Under pressure, the world is headed for war as NASA falls behind in the space race. The future of mankind is in jeopardy as the super powers race to discover what lies on the dark side of the moon.

Who will get there first, and at what cost?

Sign up for Salvador Mercer’s newsletter to join Rock and his NASA crew on their Lunar journey to restore American Space Superiority: http://eepurl.com/benueb


About the author of Lunar Discovery, Salvador Mercer:

Salvador MercerSalvador Mercer loves to read. Having read the works from Tolkien, McCaffrey, Donaldson, Asimov, Burroughs, Crichton, and many others, the desire to write took over the once sane man and now he finds himself immersed in telling tall tales and intricate fables from this world, and across the stars to many others.

His stories are inspired by past author greats, but written and moved forward by Mercer who sincerely hopes that the stories delight and entertain the reader. He invites you to enter the worlds and realms of his books, and hopes you share with him your experiences there.

Salvador Mercer is fluent in English, Russian and Spanish, having served in the US Army, 750th Military Intelligence Brigade as a Russian Voice Intercept Operator, works in the field of Public Transit, loves languages, history, reading, boating, traveling, and science. He lives in Ohio with his three boys, a baby (elf), toddler (hobbit), teenager (orc), and wife, Masha.

Be sure to download Lunar Discovery now!

Treasure of Saint-Lazare is free today!


Romantic Paris. Dangerous Paris. Paris of dark history. Long tentacles reaching out from the Nazi past force Eddie Grant and the people he loves into a dangerous quest to find the most valuable art treasure still missing since the end of World War II — and give him a slim chance to locate the terrorists who murdered his family seven years before.

Jen Wetzmuller, the ravishing daughter of his father’s World War II colleague in the Monuments Men, arrives from Florida with a letter she discovered among her father’s papers after a mysterious black car ran him down, then disappeared without a trace.

Its clues are cryptic, but enough to take Eddie from his comfortable Paris home to Florida, where all the skills he learned as a Special Forces officer are barely enough to escape with his life. The new facts he and Jen uncover lead him back to Paris and the Loire Valley to burrow deep into the darkest memories of the German Occupation. Along the way, he and Jen restart the brief but fiercely passionate affair that he abandoned, to his regret, 20 years before.

Most of all, Treasure of Saint-Lazare is a novel about Paris.

Chosen the top historical mystery of 2014 by Readers’ Favorite

About Treasure of Saint-Lazare author, John Pearce:

John PearceJohn Pearce is a part-time Parisian but lives quite happily most of the the year in Sarasota, FL. He worked as a journalist in Washington and Europe, where he covered economics for the International Herald Tribune and edited a business magazine. After a business career in Sarasota, he spends his days working on his future books – a sequel he expects to publish later in 2014 and a prequel after that. For several months each year, he and his wife Jan live in Paris, walk its streets, and chase down interesting settings for future books and his blog, JohnPearceAuthor.com. They lived earlier in Frankfurt, Germany, which gave him valuable insights for several of the scenes in his sequel, whose working title is Last Stop: Paris.

Follow John on Twitter: https://twitter.com/JohnPearceFL

Disgraceful is Free on Amazon

Disgraceful: Disgraceful Billionaires by Drew Sinclair 

disgracefulIf push came to shove would you sell your used panties for the right price? What if the buyer turned out to be an overachieving, hotter than hell billionaire with an obsession to add you to his collection of prized possessions?

Victoria Price is one smart cookie with an ingeniously inventive mind but she desperately needs money to fund her latest creative project. What starts off as a joke rapidly turns into a minefield of scorching hot encounters with a man who makes her go weak at the knees every time she looks into his dark, intense eyes.

Download Disgraceful today and find out what happens when one woman’s fantasy becomes reality and reality becomes hotter than any fantasy she could ever have imagined.

FYI This book now includes parts one to three of Disgraceful, making it a complete standalone read with the cliffhanger ending removed. It is still book one in the Disgraceful Billionaires Trilogy. Enjoy!

About Disgraceful author: Drew Sinclair

Drew SinclairDrew Sinclair writes hot and steamy romance and is an avid reader of all types of books and literature. A Drew Sinclair contemporary romance is guaranteed to include a smouldering alpha male and a Champagne cork popping happy ending because that’s how the world really is(or really should be :-)!

Uncork a Drew Sinclair romance today!

Visit Drew at:
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/drewsinclairauthor
Twitter: http://twitter.com/DrewRomance
Website: http://www.drewsinclair.com

Fairy’s Fairy tale kingdom

fairyEveryone knows the beloved children’s fairy tales, and Fairy is no exception.

Make-believe and dress-up are so much fun, especially for Fairy, a young girl with plenty of imagination. Halloween is her favorite time of the year and her preferred costume is, of course, a fairy. She’s always wanted to be a part of a legendary fairy tale, and with the shutting of her eyes; Fairy nods off to sleep to dream the most wonderful of adventures.

It’s a dream that fond memories are made of…

This book is great for quick bedtime story or to be read aloud with friends and family!

About the Fairy Tale Kindgom author: Nirit Littaney

Nirit LittaneyNirit Littaney is a fresh, imaginative author who weaves vivid images and important life lessons into endearing stories for children. After being confined to her bed for years by an incurable illness, Nirit experienced the same triumph of spirit that many of her characters undergo in their journeys through lands near and far.

Nirit’s commitment to personal and physical healing, along with her story-like travels around the world, have inspired her to pen inventive tales for families in search of humorous, insightful bedtime stories. She writes for children in hopes of making them giggle while they also learn a lesson or two.

Today, Nirit lives in Israel with her angel of a husband, who champions each of her new books as if he were the wide-eyed child she wrote them for. When Nirit isn’t dreaming up new characters, she works as a nutritionist, medical coach, and spiritual leader. She is eager to inspire and help others with the lessons her own challenges have taught her–and what better way is there than through books?

To inspire your children while filling their minds with creativity, check out Nirit’s latest books, “Candy’s Chocolate Kingdom”, “Zigi the alien and the stinky socks”, “Zoe’s trip to the Zoo”, “Fatty Betty”, “Bart! Stop the Farts!”, “Fairy’s Fairy tale Kingdom” and “Bad Boy Bradley”!