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Drew Leiter’s eBook is free today!

drew leiterAndrew Webbur’s journey of Fate begins when he is confronted by his long time nemesis, Jason Vanzant. Jason accuses Andrew of stealing his girlfriend and confronts
him with violent repercussions.

Mr. Spieker, the principal of Calumet Bay High, also seems to be on the warpath with Andrew in his sights. Neither Mr.
Spieker nor Jason Vanzant compare to the butterflies in Andrew’s stomach, as he wrestles with his feelings for Bethany Mogg.

As if Andrew didn’t have enough problems, he begins receiving mysterious; “I know who you are” messages. The
mysterious stalker seems to know about Andrew’s secret abilities. To save the future, Andrew and his friends must discover, “Who is Stalking Andrew?”

About the author, Drew Leiter:

drew leiter

Andrew Leiter grew up in Milford, Indiana, where the stories of his imagination were legend in his neighborhood.  He could often be found battling deadly foes, saving a beautiful princess with the skill of the sword, or flying dangerous missions over enemy lines.

When he was in second grade, Drew discovered he had a natural talent for writing.  He would write and illustrate stories, which he would then read to his second grade class.  His love of writing followed him into adulthood.

Now, Drew resides in Indianapolis with his wife and four boys.  Besides spending time writing, Drew loves exercising, hiking, reading, and spending time with his family.  He also loves watching his favorite movies and television shows, which usually inspire him to keep writing.

Hi! I’m Drew Leiter.

Do you every wish you had a magic power? Enter a world of magic and mystery with The Chameleon Chronicles Series.

Andrew Webbur has learned he has the ability to change the texture of his skin.  An unknown adversary is sending mysterious, “I know who you are notes”.

Follow Andrew and his friends has they unravel the mystery of Andrew’s past and embark on a quest to find a magical Time Emerald.


Joe Klingler’s eBook has 236 reviews!

joe klingler2015 International Book Awards – Finalist Thriller/Adventure
One man on a decades old mission. A woman who hunts him. And the bullet they share–RATS explodes from the remnants of a war long past to current headlines hiding Washington secrets when two modern-day warriors face off. Both skilled at violence. And deception. Both accustomed to winning.
“Joe Klingler’s novel is an intelligent non-stop page turner.” Manhattan Book Review (5 Star)
Summer greets the land of the midnight sun as a lone rider races across the last American wilderness, delivering on a promise he made long ago. He has many names, but the world only knows a shadow called the Demon.
Claire Ferreti, an Army sniper eager for her first black-ops mission, sips sake in Washington D.C. with her lover, a young, ambitious General whose geosecurity specialty remains classified. When a boy finds a small machine, Claire and the Demon embark on a collision course that leads to a test of skill, a clash of ideologies, and Claire’s unconscious body lying in a typhoon-ravaged jungle. In that instant she becomes the hunted, the Demon’s tool for survival, and an unforeseen threat. As the General pursues them through a labyrinth of lies, and a war-torn jungle, political necessity and financial reality collide like a fireball piercing steel.

“Klingler’s debut offers a deep logistical jungle sure to entertain buffs and newcomers to the techno-thriller genre. Throughout, he displays fierce writing chops. Short chapters balance action and subterfuge with political thought targeted keenly at modern drone warfare.”–Kirkus Reviews (Recommended List)

About the author, Joe Klingler:

Joe KlinglerJoe Klingler is the author of the award-winning thrillers RATS and Mash Up. He has been a programmer, research scientist, and entrepreneur, and is fascinated with the interplay of people and the technology they absorb into their lives. His thrillers intertwine digital technology and his passions for music and motion. Joe currently resides in California with a Mac, a motorbike, and a guitar. Missing Mona is his third novel.

Ray Strong’s eBook is Free Today!

Ray Strong’s eBook has 25 reviews on Amazon with an average of 4.2 Stars. Download Home: Interstellar while it’s free and remember to help support this  Indie-author by leaving a review on Amazon.

Home: Interstellar: Merchant Princess by Ray Strong

Ray StrongThe happy lives of twelve-year-old spacer Meriel Hope, her sister, and friends are torn apart when pirates attack their home – the merchant ship Princess – and kill their parents. Ten years of drugs, separation, and fear later, Meriel is on the verge of finding the answers to why the Princess was attacked. But those answers make Meriel and the orphans targets for the conspirators who are afraid of what they might remember and who they could implicate.

Join Meriel on an FTL ride to save her friends and an entire sector of space from slavery!


About the author, Ray Strong:

Ray StrongRay Strong went to college to learn how to design space ships and has spent his career in a variety of high-tech industries. He is a lifetime professional engineer and writer with roots in those stuffy top-five universities.

Visit Ray Strong’s website: http://impulsefiction1.blogspot.com/

Follow him on Twitter: https://twitter.com/raystrong8

Like him on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ray.strong.399

Join him on G+: https://plus.google.com/111264110070368177143/posts

Review excerpts:

4.0 out of 5 stars Exciting Space Adventure

5.0 out of 5 stars A different writing style, but an enjoyable read that’s pretty clean

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Steps to Handle Life’s Challenges

Seven Steps How do you handle life’s challenges?

This book was written as a result of a challenging situation that the author experienced at a young age. That experience made a big impact on the author’s life. This book provides some skills and techniques that may help you handle a few of life’s challenges.  I’m going to share with you seven skills that you can use. These skills may help you keep your poise, respect, and maybe even a friend.

Step one in this book is Enhance Your Self-Esteem. In this chapter there is a discussion of what self esteem is and how to determine if you have low self esteem. Also provided are skills that you can use to raise your self esteem.

Step two is Communicate Clearly. This chapter will show you the importance of using tone, body language, and listening skills to communicate effectively with others.

Step three is Manage Conflict. In this chapter, you will discover just how easy it is to manage conflict with family, co-workers, friends, and within a group setting.

Step four is Exhibit Integrity. This chapter explores the importance of integrity in both your personal and professional life. It includes steps you can use to develop your integrity. You will also learn about benefits that you can enjoy if you make the effort to develop integrity.

Step five is Deal with Betrayal. Have you ever been betrayed? If so, you will be glad to know that you can overcome the broken trust and start a process to forgive your betrayer.

Step six is Cope with the Loss of a Loved One. Very few occurrences in life are more devastating than losing someone you love. This chapter will discuss the five stages of grieving and how to move forward without forgetting.

Step seven is Be Persistent. When you get off track and feel like you are not improving in whatever skill you are trying to acquire or improve, there are steps that you can take to get back on track.

Get a copy of Muddy Water to Dry Land to start on your seven steps today and watch your reactions to life’s challenges improve.


If you’re looking for free eBooks, visit our Free eBook page!

If you’re an author and want to have your upcoming free eBooks listed here, fill out this form.

Marketing Your eBook

Kindle eBook marketing strategies*Updated Version February 2015 – Now with links to 50 websites to promote your Kindle “Free Days!”

You’ve spent hours writing your book, make sure people can find it. I can help you with the complicated and frustrating process of increasing your online visibility.

  • I’ll give you detailed instructions to fine-tune your product description.
  • Provide you with up-to-date information to choose the appropriate categories.
  • Furnish specific directions so you can find the correct keywords.
  • Help you set up your Amazon Author Page.
  • Share information on guaranteed ways to get more reviews.
  • Detailed help using Kindle Promotions, including links to 50 websites that will promote your book.
  • Offer tips for marketing your eBook on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, & other social media sites.

So, if you’re new to eBook marketing, or looking for some new tips, let’s Sell More Books!

About the author, Jim Liston:

Jim ListonJim Liston grew up in the wild 70s in St. Louis, Missouri. A musician all of his life, he spent most of his early adult years traveling as a drummer in rock bands. He currently plays the mandolin and is part of a bluegrass duo with his wife.

He has been helping Indie authors promote and market their books on Fiverr and his website, JimsGotWeb.com and has written his first non-fiction, Sell More Books.

Follow him on Twitter: https://twitter.com/jiminkansas

Visit his website where he helps Indie authors promote their books: http://jimsgotweb.com

Like him on Facebook: http://facebook.com/jimsgotweb

Join his GoodReads group: https://www.goodreads.com/group/show/126895-taming-amazon


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