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Forever Series Volume 5 Free Today

Waiting Forever is a standalone romance and part of The Forever Series.

Waiting Forever: Vol 5 (The Forever Series): New Adult College Romance by Tara Gallina

The Forever SeriesLife used to be fun. College, parties, close friends, girls—one in particular, who I can’t let go no matter how hard I try.

I’m not talking about my girlfriend. That relationship lost its momentum months ago. The girl who haunts my dreams and memories from my childhood hates me. I blew her off twice for her own good. Now she’s coming to live with me.

Download volume 5 of the Forever series while it’s free today.

It’ll be torture having her so close and not be able to touch her. I’m supposed to protect her from guys with bad intentions, but who’s going to protect her from me?


I’ve adored Nathan my entire life. He was supposed to be my first everything, my forever. But after multiple rejections from him, those days are gone, along with my innocence.

I got myself into trouble, and now I need a safe place to stay until life calms down. Until my parents can forgive me, and I can forgive myself.

The last thing I want to do is move in with Nathan. He’s made it clear with his distance, he’s not interested in my life. But after what happened back home, he’s my only escape from the hateful rumors and betrayals of so-called friends.

As much as I don’t want Nathan to be my safe haven, everything about the him still feels like home. I need to be careful, keep my distance, and never let him find out what happened to me.

Waiting Forever is a standalone and part of The Forever Series, serial romance.

Risking Forever: vol 1
Daring Forever: vol 2
Claiming Forever: vol 3
Free bonus novel – Sebastian – Risking Forever: vol 4

The Forever Series Four Book Collection

Waiting Forever: Vol 5

**The first three novels of the Forever series are meant to be read in sequential order. Vol 1 & 2 contain cliffhangers.


College Romance

Contemporary Romance


Facebook @authortaragallina

Niles Myde by A.D.H. Thomas is Free Today

Niles Myde: A dark psychological thriller by A.D.H. Thomas

Niles Myde: A dark psychological thriller by A.D.H. ThomasDr. Niles Myde wanted to forget his career in criminal psychology and disappear into the busy city. With the chance meeting of Simon, a mysterious and traumatised young man, Myde’s escape and quiet retirement is shattered.

The young man’s mysterious past suppressed by fear, anger, and passion fascinate Niles. As Myde attempts to peel back the layers of Simon’s life, he is unaware of the danger lurking in the truth.

Simon reveals links to a mysterious friend, Jacob, connected to a horrific murder that has sent the city into lockdown. Now, to find a psychotic killer and free Simon’s innocent mind, Niles is thrown into a final confrontation that will take them both to the brink of destruction and salvation.

NILES MYDE is the debut novel from A.D.H. Thomas. It is a gripping psychological thriller that will have its audience guessing until the last crucial scene.

Gripping story with a thrilling twist!!!!

About the author of Niles Myde, A.D.H. Thomas:

author of Niles Myde, A.D.H. ThomasI am a designer and illustrator by trade who loves telling stories. I have been writing within several genres over the past 8 years. I live in Melbourne with my wife and Golden Retriever. I love dark, psychological thrillers, sci-fi, and fantasy.

Trumping the Trumpists is Free Today

Familiarize yourself in detail with the full range of mass-manipulation tools employed by today’s institutionalized Trumpaganda in Trumping the Trumpists.

Trumping the Trumpists: Everything you need to know about the Trumpist mind and how to trump it! by SJ Brede

Trumping the TrumpistsCome on a truly, madly, deeply biased ride across the Trumpverse in 5 self-contained chapters, filled with academic findings, indisputable facts, objective evaluations, fun thought-experiments, and some pretty darn good advice in the art of rhetorical fencing.

Explore the astonishing psychological processes behind the mind-boggling demeanors of current, run-of-the-mill Trumpists.

Familiarize yourself in detail with the full range of mass-manipulation tools employed by today’s institutionalized Trumpaganda.

Discover the intricacies of the latest global trend in governance, the ever more popular governmental form of Authoritarianism.

Trumping the Trumpists is Free Today!

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Download Trumping the Trumpists while it’s free today on Amazon!

Enrol in the School of Verbal Combat and become proficient in an array of strategies, tactics, and rhetoric sleights of hand, ready to recognize and successfully counter any future trumpist attacks on truth, reason, morale, and the very fabric of democracy.

Dive into the depths of the Trumpverse, only to resurface well-armed with valuable insights, comprehensive background knowledge, and shrewd new skills, well equipped for your next round of TRUMPING THE TRUMPISTS.


Adulterer’s Confession Free Today

Read book 2 of The Adulterer Series while it’s free today on Amazon.

The Adulterer’s Confession: A Novel (The Adulterer Series Book 2) by Sam Anthony

The Adulterer's Confession“Excuse me. Do you mind if I squeeze past?”

And so it begins.

Two strangers meet on a plane.

One has a terrible confession to make. But is it safe to tell a stranger?

The other is haunted by past mistakes and looking for a fresh start.

Over the course of their ten-hour flight, they come to know each other’s deepest, darkest secrets.

Is confession good for the soul or is it better to keep your crimes bottled up inside?

Discover what becomes of Lee, Tamsin, and Jake.

The Adulterer's Confession 5 starsThe Adulterer Series rated FIVE STARS by real readers:

Praise for The Adulterer’s Handbook: A Novel

Wow. This book is fantastic! I had absolutely no idea when I started reading that I’d be taken on this journey. The writing is great.”

“I really enjoyed this book. I’m not sure how to categorize it — a thriller or just good fiction? Regardless, I highly recommend it! I didn’t want to put it down!”

The tale weaves its way down a winding path so beautifully that, before you know it, you’re at this bizarre place in the story where every character is not who you thought they were!”

Read book 2 of The Adulterer Series while it’s free today.

“I was drawn to this novel because I was interested to see how the author handled the subject of infidelity, purely from a male perspective. He’s done an excellent job.”

“The humour and author’s style are reminiscent of David Nicholls.”

“There is much to admire in this entertaining read. The dialogue is natural, the editing is well done and the narrative flows. All in all, a good debut novel and I feel sure we’ll see more from this promising new writer. I recommend you give it a try.”

“The book just becomes fun. It’s like a puzzle that you’re trying to figure out.”

“The internal dialogue is so hilarious that I literally LOL’d a few times.”

Superheroes Pyschodrama Free Today

Up Up In A Way: A Psychodrama With Superheroes (World of the Resident Book 1) by Blair McLean

A Psychodrama With SuperheroesHave you ever wished for someone to save the world from its politicians? In 1993, New York City, Nigel Nakagawa, Japanese cult follower and reluctant superhero, and Karissa Lacey, INS Agent and former child vigilante could be the heroes for you. Just maybe…

When universes collide, and Nigel and Karissa find themselves on the same beach during the Golden Venture disaster, an illegal human smuggling operation gone awry, the unlikely duo find they must work together to bring justice to the person responsible.

Tangling with inner demons, organized crime and the xenophobic New York mayor, whom they believe is behind the smuggling, Nigel and Karissa discover that apathy, exploitation and anti-immigrant sentiments do not respond to heroic intervention in the ways they hoped. Faced with these implacable forces, they must ask themselves: do they truly want to live the lives of heroes?

Interview with the Author:

Q – So, what makes Up Up In A Way stand apart from other superhero books?

A – I think there are a few things that make this book special. I wanted to create something that could help me better understand superheroes in the context of our modern times. I was curious about how a superhero might fare when confronted with the likes of Donald Trump or Rob Ford and some of the crime in our world, such as human smuggling. Things that would be really hard for a superhero to fix.

Q – This doesn’t sound like a straightforward genre piece. Care to comment?

A – You’re right, in fact it’s in the title. Only ‘in a way’ is it a superhero story. As a kid, I was fascinated with superheroes and had a collection of several thousand Daredevil, Wolverine and Spider-man comics. But as I grew up, I realized I wanted to better understand what it would really be like to be a superhero. That’s where my flawed characters come in – real people who have reluctant and/or extreme reactions at the prospect of becoming vigilantes.

Q – Your hope is that the book will help readers understand modern issues, but the story is set in 1993. What’s up with that?

A – I think the past has a lot to teach us about the present, which is why I used a historical event as the inciting incident. The landing of the Golden Venture ship, containing 286 illegal Chinese immigrants off Queens would have given Trump apoplexy, and certainly throws my protagonists into crisis. This event is expertly detailed in a wonderful book called “The Snakehead” by Patrick Radden Keefe, which I used as inspiration. Also Pre-9/11 New York City seemed the perfect time and setting for me to start to trouble the Superhero genre.

Q – What can readers expect from you going forward?

A – I’m working hard on a sequel to Up Up In A Way, set in Madrid in 2003. Along with a returning Karissa and Nigel, it will feature a new female superheroine, fresh off her military tour in Afghanistan. And she just might topple the Spanish government.

If you’re itching to read more from me, you can find Residents, a free eBook of short stories at blairmclean.com. The stories are set in the same universe as Up Up In A Way. They imagine what it would have been like if Mayan warriors had superpowers in the 1500s, and conceive of a dystopian future in which repulsive, humanoid creatures continually climb the skyscrapers to which humans are now confined.

Thanks for reading!