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One-Minute Meditation

Learn about meditation free today on Amazon!


Try something new – completly different from meditations like, sit quietly and focus on your breath!

You can improve your mood, your approach to life, relationships with people and even your physical and mental state by devoting only one minute to these changes! It’s not magic. It’s the One-Minute Meditation on Four Words. It’s the only one of its kind, as it was created by the author based on his many years of research and experience. Which is why you don’t need to have any experience in meditation!

You don’t need any equipment either. And you’ll find the entire Meditation right at the start of the second chapter!

It’s short, simple and effective.

If you want to savor its soothing, multidimensional effects for more than a minute, you’ll also find different ways to do so. You can even develop it into a deeper 12-day program! It’s a unique, transforming experience…

It doesn’t matter how quick the pace of your life is, you can enjoy the wonderful effects of the One-Minute Meditation on Four Words anywhere, in any stressful situation – even with your eyes open!

Do something good for yourself – it only takes a minute.

Sebastian Dacków

Meditation by Sebastian DackówSebastian Dacków (born in 1978, Poznan, Poland) has been interested for many years in topics related to the improvement, broadly understood, of mood and health, spiritual development and all kinds of “energies”. As a child he used to play with his father’s dowsing pendulum, eventually pleading for his own.

As an adult, he began his adventure with such “miraculous subjects” anew with a course on Hawaiian Lomi Lomi Nui massage. Later, he became involved in Reiki (current level: Master), and then in dozens of other energy systems (with initiations from Masters and Teachers from Europe and the USA). He has basic experience in Tai Chi and Qi Gong, channeling, as well as various card types (including Tarot) and runes.

Before concentrating on the Meditation on Four Words, he was very involved in Reconnective Healing (Level III certificate) and had also tried the potential of systems connected with quantum physics: Richard Bartlett’s Matrix Energetics and Frank Kinslow’s Quantum Entrainment. Until now, he shared the possibilities opened up by his newly-discovered systems only with his family and friends.


Candy’s Chocolate Kingdom

Free eBook on Amazon Candy’s Chocolate Kindgom

Children’s book: Candy’s Chocolate Kingdom, bedtime Story for kids by Nirit Littaney

candys chocolate kingdomMeet Candy, the cute girl who loves chocolate so much she dreams about it at night. Grab some sweets and follow Candy though a Magical Chocolate Kingdom that fills her belly and teaches her an important lesson about limits, after something very unexpected happens in the delicious empire.
Through the vivid illustrations are sure to make your mouth water, Candy’s new understanding is the real treat even you can munch on!
Excellent for beginner’s readers and children ages 3-6. Book 1 in the Kingdom Fantasy series.


About the author of Candy’s Chocolate Kingdom

Nirit Littaney

author of candys chocolate kingdomNirit Littaney is a fresh, imaginative author who weaves vivid images and important life lessons into endearing stories for children. After being confined to her bed for years by an incurable illness, Nirit experienced the same triumph of spirit that many of her characters undergo in their journeys through lands near and far.

Nirit’s commitment to personal and physical healing, along with her story-like travels around the world, have inspired her to pen inventive tales for families in search of humorous, insightful bedtime stories. She writes for children in hopes of making them giggle while they also learn a lesson or two.

Today, Nirit lives in Israel with her angel of a husband, who champions each of her new books as if he were the wide-eyed child she wrote them for. When Nirit isn’t dreaming up new characters, she works as a nutritionist, medical coach, and spiritual leader. She is eager to inspire and help others with the lessons her own challenges have taught her–and what better way is there than through books?

To inspire your children while filling their minds with creativity, in addition to Candy’s Chocolate Kingdom, check out Nirit’s latest books, “Zigi the alien and the stinky socks”, “Zoe’s trip to the Zoo” and “Fatty Betty”.



Free eBook May 16th on Amazon

[sic] by Scott Kelly

sicSix teens are devoted to a game with one rule: If a player gets tagged, they must change their life within the next fifteen minutes. The better the player, the bigger the change. One might give their car away, or punch the school bully. Another might change identities or sacrifice their virginity. Anything to keep evolving, to avoid fitting into a label or caring about the junk they own. But their quest for enlightenment has taken a rotten final turn – one of the players has murdered the game’s creator, the teen prophet (cult leader?) David Bloom.

Our narrator is being framed for the crime; can he clear his name and discover which of his lifelong friends is the murderer before he takes the fall?

[sic] is a gritty teen murder mystery that delves into the psychology of enlightenment among the criminally dysfunctional. The “Eureka Edition” is an entirely rewritten version of the book exclusive to Amazon, featuring re-imagined scenes and fresh dialog.

Scott Kelly

Scott KellyWhen Scott was eleven, he was so upset by the ending of the classic story Robin Hood that he wrote his own and stuck it into the book. By the time he was nineteen, he’d written four novels–the latest, JIMWAMBA, was published by an independent press in the United Kingdom. Dissatisfied with the experience, he took to stealing paper from his university and selling staple-bound copies of his manuscript at local festivals and gatherings. Eventually putting paper aside, he earned thousands of readers and critical acclaim across websites like Bookrix, WEBook, Wattpad and Amazon with a series of thought-provoking eBooks.

Scott’s constant need to improve his writing took him through a college education in Literature. He became determined to bring what he loved about classic literature to the modern reader, in a manner they’d appreciate as something new, but with its dues paid. He strives to write daring literature that asks difficult questions about the nature of humanity, but without losing sight of the fact these are stories. He delights in taking complex philosophical and metaphysical themes, but breaking them down using entertaining, familiar story setups–that he then mangles in attractive ways.

Now thirty, he lives in Austin with his wife Erin, and continues his mission to save compelling, thought-provoking literature for a new wave of readers.

Free eBook May 14 &15

Free eBook May 14 & 15

The End of Self-Help: Discovering Peace and Happiness Right at the Heart of Your Messy, Scary, Brilliant Life by Gail Brenner

The self-help industry perpetuates the myth that we are limited, damaged, inadequate selves who need to be fixed. Sadly, it keeps millions of us hoping for a better future when we will finally be happy and fulfilled.

But what if it’s possible, at any moment, to be peaceful and free? In The End of Self Help: Discovering Peace and Happiness Right at the Heart of Your Messy, Scary Brilliant Life, psychologist Gail Brenner, Ph.D. reveals that in fact, it is—once we realize that who we are is not defined by our distorted thoughts and painful feelings.

With an infectious spirit, Dr. Brenner describes how personal suffering is a case of mistaken identity. She walks with readers as they expand their attention beyond their well-worn troubles to the very source of happiness and peace: presence itself. Guided audio meditations, included with each chapter, help light the way.

The End of Self-Help makes ancient teachings accessible to the modern mind. It’s a must-read for anyone who has finally realized that self-help doesn’t actually help. You’ll discover the fulfillment you’ve been longing for— the living, breathing possibility of peace now…and now…and now…

Gail Brenner

Gail Brenner“It’s the end of self-help when you know you’re not the incomplete, damaged self who needs help.”

Gail Brenner, Ph.D. is a clinical psychologist, blogger, and speaker who joyfully helps people discover that suffering is optional. Through investigating her own experience, and working with clients for over 25 years, she has discovered how to unravel common problems of everyday life to reveal the deepest acceptance and peace.

Gail has authored many published articles on coping with stress and chronic medical illness. She has special expertise working with older adults and their families, bringing clear seeing and compassion to the transitions of aging, death, and dying.

Her offerings point to realizing that the happiness you seek is already here. It’s absolutely possible, in your own experience, to fully live this ordinary, extraordinary, precious experience of life.

To learn more, please visit www.GailBrenner.com.

You Are My Sunshine: A Novel Of The Holocaus

You Are My Sunshine: A Novel Of The Holocaust (All My Love Detrick Book 2) byRoberta Kagan

“You Are My Sunshine,” is the sequel to “All My Love, Detrick,” this bestselling novel is set during the holocaust.
When Helga Haswell becomes pregnant by a married SS officer who abandons her, she finds herself alone and desperate. She is afraid to tell her parents that she is pregnant out of wedlock, so her doctor suggests that Helga check into Heinrich Himmler’s home for the Lebensborn. This is a program, he explains, that has been instituted by the Nazi’s to create perfect Aryan babies.

Since Helga is of pure German blood and the child’s father is an SS officer, she will be accepted, the doctor explains. Her child will have a good life because adoption is available only to the finest of Hitler’s Elite. Not only this, the doctor says but during her pregnancy, Helga will have the finest food and medical care available. And, instead of a life of shame, she will be honored for her efforts in producing a perfect Aryan child for the new world that Hitler is in the process of creating.

Then after the baby is born, the Lebensborn will take the child and assume all future responsibilities releasing Helga to live her life without the burden of a fatherless offspring. In her desperation, all of this sounded perfect to Helga, that was of course before she felt life stir within her womb. However, by the time this occurred it was already too late. She had already moved into Steinhoring, home for the Lebensorn, and there was no possibility of turning back. The papers were signed. She could not escape. Hitler owned her unborn child.

On a cold day in January Helga’s little girl came into the world. But instead of being sheltered by her mother’s arms, she was torn away by the nurses at the home for the Lebensborn and thrust into a treacherous world where the very people sworn to protect her were not what they seemed. The little girl was growing, and she was amongst some of the cruelest people on earth and subjected daily to the ideology of the Third Reich. But when Hitler became convinced that he was indestructible and, went to war on two fronts dividing his army, Germany began to fall.

The Nazi’s became fearful as America entered the war joining Churchill against them in the west, while Stalin a formidable enemy with the brutal Russian winters on his side, ripped them apart in the east. And so, the tables turned on the Third Reich. The cruel Nazi’s, who believed they could not be defeated were about to swallow their pride and surrender at the feet of the Allies. The superior race would prove to be inferior after all. Hitler’s elite would run for cover, some would commit suicide; some would be tried in Nuremberg for crimes against humanity, while others would escape with their tails tucked between their legs and head for South America or other friendly ports.

But God had other plans for Helga’s tiny innocent child, who had been born on that January morning. The child’s life was about to change in a very strange but significant way. Instead of becoming whom and what the Nazi’s had hoped to create, this child would be befriended and nurtured by the most unexpected people.


Roberta Kagan

Roberta KaganRoberta Kagan is an American writer of Jewish and Romany decent. She writes Historical Fiction and Historical Romance, most of which is set during the holocaust. Although she never discounts the horrors of the time period, the main focus of her work is on ordinary people who prove to be strong heroic characters in unfathomable circumstances.

Roberta Kagan (born in 1954) is an American novelist who primarily writes historical fiction, most notably set during World War II and the Holocaust, although she has featured other time periods and settings. Her fans have a particular fondness and appreciation for her World War II period books, such as All My Love Detrick (2012) and A Flicker of Light (2011), which are inspirational stories of ordinary people caught up in extraordinary circumstances.

Her father was of Romany descent, and her mother was Jewish. Her childhood was quite unusual, as the family was wealthy until she was 13 years old, when her father suffered a reversal of fortune in his business. The family went from being privileged to being poor in a matter of months, and Roberta learned some valuable lessons about true friendship and what really matters in life that have carried over into her books and short stories. The Romany teachings she received from her father have also had a significant impact on her writing, and several of her books feature Romany characters.