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Lowe’s eBook is only $0.99 today!

R. T. LoweReeling from a terrible accident that claimed the lives of his parents, Felix arrives at Portland College hoping only to survive the experience.

In time, however, his reality star roommate shows him there is more to higher education than just classes, shared bathrooms and bad dorm food, and Felix gradually dares to believe he can put his past behind him.

But a fateful storm looms on the horizon: In the nearby woods, two hikers become the latest victims in a series of gruesome murders; a disfigured giant embarks on a vicious cross-country rampage, killing teenagers who fail his ‘test’; and an ancient society of assassins tasked with eradicating the wielders of a mysterious source of power awakens after a long silence.

Only one man–the school’s groundskeeper–knows that the seemingly unrelated events are connected, and that an eighteen-year-old boy stands in the center of the storm.

About the author, R. T. Lowe:

rt-loweSign up for the release date of Book 3 of The Felix Chronicles at http://bit.ly/1Pgk3BJ
R.T. Lowe is the author of The Felix Chronicles: Freshmen (Book 1) and Five Days in January (Book 2). R.T. is a graduate of Willamette University and Columbia Law School. Originally from Oregon, he now lives in Newtown, Connecticut with his wife and three kids.

R.T. is always happy to hear from his readers, so if you would like to contact him, send him an email at felixchronicles@gmail.com.

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In an effort to help Indie-authors promote their Kindle eBook “Free Days” and “Countdown” promotions, here is a list of websites that will list your Kindle eBook.

Marvin Wilmes’s Episode 2 is on sale!

Marvin WilmesBattlefield memories. Friendships tested. Romance discovered.

Roger Wilson continues his coming of age adventure as secrets of the heart are revealed after Anita Barlow recovers from her coma. He forges new friendships in California while repairing the one of Mark Meyers in Blair, Nebraska.

Meanwhile, his brother’s memories of the Vietnam War return to haunt him as his demons from the past won’t let him go. Where will Paul Wilson be able to find release?

The small band of Midwestern friends learn to rely on each other as they cope with the changes occurring in their young lives as Wayne Bennett and Dave Alspeedy continue to be drawn in to the mysteries surrounding their new friend.

The dark man continues to watch from the shadows as Zeke attempts to work his magic on Roger’s soul through an encounter on a California beach.

Will Roger be able to decipher the angel’s message to him in time to experience the love that he was meant to or will he continue to stumble in the dark?

What obstacles threaten to overcome the Wilson brothers and their pursuit of happiness?

More secrets are revealed in The Golden Key: A Quest for Freedom Episode Two as Zeke and the dark man continue to face off over Roger’s soul.

About the author, Marvin Wilmes:

Marvin WilmesMarvin Wilmes is an observer of the human condition, writes about life’s passions, faith and hope and opens the reader’s eyes to “the process.” In addition to a memoir, Marvin is bringing to the arena a contemporary post Vietnam War era fantasy in three episodes. Marvin is an Iowa resident with Missouri roots, a cancer survivor and most of all, an eclectic storyteller. Writing from a diverse background of experience, Marvin celebrates the the gift of hope and faith in God’s purpose for living life and living it more abundantly.

Luke Smitherd’s eBook is free!

I’m a big fan of Luke Smitherd and I guarantee that you will love his stories!

He Waits – A Book of Strange and Disturbing Horror (Tales Of The Unusual) by Luke Smitherd


“In the horror genre, familiarity absolutely does breed contempt, and Smitherd obviously knows this. Why else would he be so talented at expertly crafting stories that defy expectations? For me there is no greater joy than seeing an artist excel at his craft.” – Aintitcoolnews.com

Quite literally, no escape. Because he’s always with you. And in the real world -the world of you, the reader – HE WAITS will stay in your mind in a way that you won’t expect …


A campsite. A family holiday. A broken down car. And an approaching breakdown truck that is just the start of Shelley’s nightmare. By the time the sun sets, someone in that field will be dead, and Shelley must somehow make sure it isn’t one of her children … KEEP YOUR CHILDREN CLOSE is a story that you will find impossible to predict.

About the author, Luke Smitherd:

Luke SmitherdLuke Smitherd is the bestselling author of the hit novel THE STONE MAN, as well IN THE DARKNESS, THAT’S WHERE I’LL KNOW YOU and A HEAD FULL OF KNIVES.

A former singer and guitarist, Luke now writes full time for a living. He a: can’t quite believe it, and b: has to remember that he shouldn’t drink before lunchtime. Not on a weekday anyway.

He currently travels and writes, and ignores cheap jibes about not having a ‘proper job’.

Luke says: If you like my stuff, please leave a nice star rating for any books of mine that you liked. You’ll be doing me a bigger favor than I can say, and it’ll mean the work keeps coming. Thanks for reading.

Visit Luke Smitherd’s website and say hi!

Like him on Facebook:

Miles Maxwell’s Thriller is Free Today!

Loss of Reason by Maxwell, Miles A.One Of The Most Disturbing Stories You’ll Ever Read!

Distant for many years, Franklin out of Pennsylvania and his step-brother Everon out of Nevada are connected by a single link: Their sister Cynthia.

Enter The Nightmare

A nuclear bomb is detonated in New York. Banker, wife, mother, Cynthia lives in New York.

The military has quarantined the city. All bridges and tunnels have been destroyed or blocked. Easterly winds have forced the bomb’s huge radiation cloud out over Long Island. But the wind is about to change.

Franklin climbs mountains and truly understands people. Everon can fly anything. And Cynthia’s brothers are determined to find her.

If it were your sister, what would you do?

A ripping good tale of how intelligence and determination can overcome the near-impossible. And of the true price of altruism.

Before there was Wool there had to be a Loss Of Reason.

About the author, Miles A. Maxwell:

Miles A. MaxwellLong before 9/11, Miles used to lie in bed at night in his apartment on Manhattan’s Upper West Side — just across the park from where Cynthia, Steve and Melissa would be living — and listen to the sirens. Wondering when someone would drop “The Big One” on The City.

. . . Wondering how the millions of survivors — if there would be any — could possibly escape . . . the city government itself encouraging twenty-four hour personal survival kits — food, medicines, other critical essential personal items. See: Preparing for emergencies in New York City.

As time went on, whenever Miles would leave The City for a day or so for one reason or another, he would return with a creeping, growing, building sense of dread. Driving toward that beautiful skyline on I-95 or the 1 & 9, he would look at the skyscrapers and think, “Is this the day?”

He stuck with The City. It was his home. But to excise the paranoia, he spent his spare time writing the beginnings of this story: Loss Of Reason . . .

Until one night some homeless person stabbed a ballerina to death only a block away from his apartment on the street behind. It was a small, solitary death in the scope of the thousands who die in The City every year, but he took it as a sign. He never knew her, but the attack felt close and personal. He knew it was time to get out.

So he moved west. Out to the Rockies, to the desert, where he no longer felt trapped by the masses. Where he could see the horizon on any given day simply by walking outside. Where the sky was open and the air was clear. It took six months to recover as the paranoia slowly left him.

Was it truly paranoia? He watched TV that terrible day, like all Americans, with a horror that would have been sheer terror had he stayed, as the Twin Towers rumbled down. Not as a pinnacle of terrorism in The City, but as the beginning of things much worse to come.

Miles A. Maxwell — out of Cheyenne, Wyoming — is the author of Loss Of Reason, Search For Reason, the forthcoming Finding Reason of the State Of Reason Mystery series, and Die By The Pen his new mystery-thriller featuring FBI Agent Naomi Soul.

Work From Home

How To Make Money Online: Work From Home and Get Rich On The Internet by [Borgos, Eric]Hear the inside stories and secrets of running an Internet business from an entrepreneur who has made millions of dollars online. Would you like to start your own home business? Work all day in sweatpants and a T-shirt and commute only from your bed to your computer? Retire young before you get too old to enjoy it all? Then this is the book for you.

To give you an idea of what the book is about, below is a list of the chapter titles:
How To Make Money Online
Why I Bought A Flower Store
Domain Flipping
The Story of DigiCredit.com
Web Hosting Sucks
How I Invented A Plush Toy
Working From Home
The Psychology of a Multi-Million Dollar Sale
Publicity: Does It Bring Fame and Fortune?
My Human-Powered Search Engine
The Neti Pot of Life
Are Website Makeovers Worth It?
Taking Your Business To The Next Level
My First Date
Domain Development
How My Web Host Screwed Me Out of $5,000
Seller’s Remorse
My Outsourcing Adventure
Illegal Sites
Amazon Mechanical Turk
Fake Passwords
What Is The Next Big Thing?
Bitcoin 2.0
Flipping Websites
Viral Videos (The Story of “Pimp My Sleigh”)
Partnerships – Part II
Partnerships – Part III
SantaBot is Coming To Town
How A Domain Name Sale Works
Some Bitcoin 2.0 Business Ideas
Why I Am Happy To Sell At A Loss
My Paperless Life
Some Websites Are Just Not Worth It
Buying Cheap Traffic
How I Was Scammed Out of $2,000
Striking It Rich With Bitcoin Cloud Mining
My First Kiss
Giving Away My New Business Ideas
There Is Nothing New Anymore
Mistakes and Failures
How I Found My Voice

About the author of How to Make Money Online, Work From Home and Get Rich On The Internet, Eric Borgos:

Work from home, by Eric BorgosEric Borgos is the owner of Impulse Communications, Inc., a 20-year-old Internet company that operates over 300 websites (such as CheapFlowers.com and Dumb.com), some of which have been featured in the Wall Street Journal, USA Today, Inc. Magazine, Entrepreneur, Readers Digest, and Popular Science, as well as numerous radio and TV shows. He is also an active domain name investor, having bought and sold over 10,000 domains. In 2008, he sold his Bored.com website for $4.5 million and continues to actively develop new sites. Eric has always worked from home and has never met any of the people who work for him. Some of his crazier business adventures include inventing a toy that was sold at Toys”R”Us, buying a retail flower shop 3,000 miles away without visiting it first or knowing anything about the flower business, and trying to go public on the stock exchange.