Home Free Kindle Books The San Francisco Connection by Kelly Allegretti

The San Francisco Connection by Kelly Allegretti

The San Francisco Connection: The First Book of the Titoo Family Detective Series (The Titoo Family Mystery Series 1) by Kelly Allegretti

Excerpt: Kelsey watched as the fog rolled in above her, a sensation of being truly at home settling within her. In the distance, the vast expanse of the ocean and a tiny sliver of the Golden Gate Bridge caught her eye. As she walked, she admired the small Victorian houses lining the sidewalks These houses had always held a special place in her heart since childhood. To her, there was something beautiful, quaint, and unique about, about those houses.

Peeking into their windows, she’d wonder about the lives within. Were they akin to hers, bustling with busy parents? Did they gather for dinner each night, or did their schedules never align? Were these homes filled with many siblings or just a few, like hers? In her mind, she painted vivid portraits of the families dwelling in each house she passed. She crafted stories of their daily lives—the parents’ professions, their shared hobbies, the children’s games and sports. This imaginative exercise helped fill the gaps as she waited for her parents to fetch her or for the bus. Without realizing, she delved into these narratives once more.

When she crested the hill, her gaze fixated on a strikingly vivid blue door. Checking her phone, she confirmed the number: 229. It matched the door’s. This was the place. Pausing, she absorbed the array of nameplates, seven offices in all. Her finger traced the line: a doctor, a graphic design company, a lawyer, a fortune teller—quite the eclectic mix. Whispering each name to herself, she reached the last one. A gasp escaped her. It couldn’t be true. In bold, golden letters, the name ‘Titoo’s Detective Agency’ stared back at her.

Dad had finally achieved it—the aspiration he’d spoken about for years. She vividly recalled those kitchen table conversations, his eyes alight with anticipation, painting word pictures of his future office atop a hill. He often mentioned how content he was working out of the garage, yet he held a deeper desire for something more official, more tangible—a space that breathed reality into his aspirations. And now, standing before what was once just a dream…

Download The San Francisco Connection by Kelly Allegretti while it’s on sale on Amazon February 9 – 16.


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