Our Song by romance author Savannah Kade has 106 reviews on Amazon with an average rating of 4.5 stars.
Our Song: The Wilder Books #1 by Savannah Kade
Sexy, emotional, often funny, always messy, true love romance
Meet the boys of the band WILDER and fall hard.
31-year-old single mother Kelsey has moved to Nashville to finally live the life she wants. She’s hasn’t so much given up on love as she’s just decided there are more important things. That doesn’t mean she can’t help out her new . . . hot . . . younger . . . neighbor.
JD is up to his eyeballs in trouble. His band still hasn’t hit it big and when an old ex-girlfriend dies he learns he has a daughter. Thrown into parenting with a kid who doesn’t know him any better than he knows her has JD throwing himself at Kelsey’s feet. How does she handle it all? And what would she think if he told her how he really feels?
Both JD and Kelsey are starting over, but their new lives may be more intertwined than either of them planned. And JD may be playing her song.
Meet the boys of WILDER—JD, Craig, TJ, and Alex—as they find fame, forgiveness, family and their futures in Nashville. This series has real emotion, hard won happy endings, and smoking hot romance.
About the romance author, Savannah Kade:
Other books by romance author Savannah Kade:
The Wilder Series
The Touch of Magick Series
The Hollywood Night Series