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Paranormal Pest Control by Lara Frater

Paranormal Pest Control by Lara Frater

New Yorkers eventually got used to it, calling the earthquake-destroyed area Broken Brooklyn and went on with their lives, accepting the almost two-mile stretch of Brooklyn as a minor inconvenience. Demonic pests became as common as roaches, water bugs, bedbugs, rats, spiders…
And screaming.

Mercedes vanished under the bed in a blink, along with the Gimme Some Rays towel. She began screaming. Hector could only see her legs clothed in black tights and very unsensible black boots with heels.

Download Paranormal Pest Control by Lara Frater while it’s free on Amazon 8/23 – 8/27.

Scrapyard Ship: Uprising by Mark Wayne McGinnis

Scrapyard Ship: Uprising by Mark Wayne McGinnis


As the perilous, rickety, lift jolted to a stop, Matt tried to mask his relief. Considering he’d once piloted spacecraft for a living, many of which were as old and ramshackle as this lift, he was almost embarrassed by his discomfort. Mollie slid aside the metal scissor gate, her movements smooth and practiced from repetition. Beyond, she’d unveiled an unexpected world. A vast rock cavern stretched out beneath the sprawling automobile scrapyard above. Its enormity was both astonishing and intriguing.

“I know you have questions. Answers await. So come on.”

As he stepped from the lift, the jagged, rough surface of the rock greeted his feet. He reached out a hand as they walked, the cavern’s walls uneven and cold to the touch. A metallic tang lingered in the air, filling his mouth, tasting of secrets long hidden and forgotten.

Download Scrapyard Ship: Uprising by Mark Wayne McGinnis while it’s free on Amazon December 24-27.

Daphne: The Penguin Who Wanted To Fly by Christopher Logan

Daphne: The Penguin Who Wanted To Fly by Christopher Logan

Learn to let the impossible into your life with the help of a young penguin who won’t abandon her dreams and a polar bear who doesn’t know she isn’t white.

This is the deepest, most thought-provoking children’s book I’ve ever read! … I give this book a High Five for it’s thought-provoking plot, it’s beautiful, richly-written text, and the adorable names of the characters – three bunnies that are only out at night – the Dusk Bunnies; the Council Members – Rufus Alfar and Balthum Lazlo.

Just like real penguins – very dignified indeed! This is not your ordinary children’s book, but it’s sure to get the older kids involved and interested in the extraordinary plot. They will also be charmed and fascinated by the lives of these very magical penguins.”

Reviewer: Gayle Jacobson-Huset Managing Editor/Stories For Children Magazine

Download Daphne: The Penguin Who Wanted To Fly by Christopher Logan while it’s free on Amazon December 19 – 22.

Key 13: And Other Stories by Rose Titus

Key 13: And Other Stories by Rose Titus

Excerpt —

It wasn’t dark or cold, the way you would expect a morgue to be. It was well lit, clean, and the temperature was rather comfortable, no different from the atmosphere in the rest of the building. There were several drawers, of course, which were there to contain the departed. Doris began pulling them out, one after the other, but they were empty.
“Dorrie, will yah cut it out? It’s disrespectful.”
She laughed, “There ain’t nobody in…whoa!”
The last drawer she pulled out contained a body. We did not see the entire body, just two large, cold dead feet.

Download Key 13: And Other Stories by Rose Titus while it’s on sale on Amazon December 15 – 29.

No, You Cannot JUST SNAP OUT OF IT! by Evelyn Rodas

No, You Cannot JUST SNAP OUT OF IT! a Memoir for People Dealing with Depression and Anxiety that Extend Beyond Mere Thoughts: Understand CBT, root causes … mental illness achieve better mental health by Evelyn Rodas 

A true story of almost unimaginable struggle, endurance, determination and an incredible final triumph.

Evelyn Rodas reveals the shortcomings and misbeliefs that we run up against when trying to understand depression, which often prevents effective treatment.


Download No, You Cannot JUST SNAP OUT OF IT! by Evelyn Rodas while it’s free on Amazon September 27,