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David: God’s Chosen Crucible by Joseph Ganci

David: God’s Chosen Crucible (The Empire of Israel Book 2) by Joseph Ganci

David had reached the pinnacle of success and has created the empire of Israel and is master of all he surveys. He has married his soul mate Bathsheba who is pregnant with his now legitimate child. David is confronted by Nathan the prophet and is tricked into judging himself and naming his own punishment.The prophet proclaims that the sword will never leave your house. What follows is death, destruction, incest, and family murder and the concession of human sacrifice.

Download David: God’s Chosen Crucible while it’s free on Amazon February 19 – 20.

Till Darkness Due Us Part by Courtney Karsen

Till Darkness Due Us Part (Our Little Secret Book 1) by Courtney Karsen

In the shadows of her forgotten memories, Mia’s own kidnapping remains an unsolved mystery she cannot unravel. Mia moves to New York with her parents, attempting to make a new life for herself. However, when she meets Dominique and Zane, her fate quickly changes, allowing her little control over her own life. Mia proceeds to struggle, sacrificing all of what she’s known for years. This is a book made by Courtney Karsen.

 Be sure to download Till Darkness Due Us Part by Courtney Karsen while it’s on sale on Amazon February 18 – 29.

Shadow in the Ward by Ari Gray

Shadow in the Ward by Ari Gray

When technology turns against us, an ER doctor must outsmart a rogue supercomputer during a hospital lockdown. Witness the power of human creativity in this captivating blend of suspense and science.

Shadow in the Ward by Ari Gray is free on Amazon February 18th.

Machine Elves by Sally Feng

Machine Elves: Memoir of an anxious girl by Sally Feng

“Inside a club, the rules were different than in normal life. I was activated by the drug, ready to make a connection with anyone. Completely filling out my body, or maybe my mind was shrinking to its size, like a hand fitting in a glove. I wanted to talk, not about drugs or darkness or love, but about music and colour and furniture.”

Download Machine Elves by Sally Feng while it’s free on Amazon February 17 – 19.

Welcome All by Vignesh Nandakumar

Welcome All: Embracing Negativity and Befriending Resistance to Overcome Unworthiness by Vignesh Nandakumar

Welcoming is a unique process that’s going to teach you to engage with your negative self-talk and emotions in a way that’s going to feel strange and unacceptable at first but which will inevitably lead you down a path towards greater positivity and optimism which you can use to create the kind of life for yourself that other people only dream of.

Be sure to download Welcome All by Vignesh Nandakumar while it’s on sale February 14th on Amazon.