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Tiger House by Wendy Scott

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Tiger House: The First Chronicle of Jairus Tanner (The Chronicles of Jairus Tanner Book 1) by Wendy Scott

free ebook today“The Fates have chosen you to act on behalf of our noble Houses. Challenges will be set. To ensure your utter cooperation and commitment, the fate of your loved ones rests on your actions. It is in your interest to survive. Defy us by refusing to play and we will decimate your homelands. To win, the rules are simple: by whatever means, cross the finish line before the designated cull number. But in the end, only one of you will remain.”

Muscular arms protruded out of black studded vests that strained to contain stocky chests. An animal emblem … claws … incisors … whiskers… was sewn in orange upon their breasts. Dagger shafts jutted out of belts, pouches, and boots. Assassins? What did these rough men want with him?

Betrayed. Kidnapped. A farm boy mistaken for a warrior, Jairus must survive the Emperor’s Games or everyone he loves will be incinerated by the war dragons. Thousands compete for the dragon banner, but in the end there can only be one winner.

The adjudicator thumped the scepter into the ground three times. “By the fates, the war dragons will not return until a new emperor wins the dragon scepter.”
The crowd parted as Tekagi threaded her way toward the funeral cart waiting by the main gate. Tiger pelts adorned the two caskets. Only emperors earned the right to be entombed within the Dragon Palace. The sons were relegated to less hallowed ground.
A few of her most treasured belongings were also piled on the cart. No longer an emperor’s daughter she was being cast out of the palace. A limp tiger tail trailed over the side of the cart. She ran the tips of her obsidian finger stalls along its striped length before tucking it beneath a tapestry.

She tapped her fan against the cart’s side and the driver flicked the horses’ reins into a funeral march. Head bowed, she followed a few paces behind, flanked by her two bodyguards. As she exited through the palace gates and headed to Tiger House she patted the snake bracelet on her forearm, and vowed, “I will reclaim my birthright. Let the Emperor Games begin.”

Contains mature themes. R16.

Grab your copy of this free eBook today.

This free eBook today includes Bonus material.
Excerpts of Lodestone (Witch-Hunt), and Ferrasium (The Windflowers Trilogy) are included at the conclusion of Tiger House.


About the Author of the Free eBook Today

free ebook today by Wendy ScottAs a child I had a ferocious imagination and immersed myself in creating stories and poems. One birthday I begged for a chemistry set, sensing the promise of adventure from the glittering vials of copper sulphate and salt. At that time, I didn’t know I was following in the footsteps of my grandfather who had studied science in Edinburgh in 1899. A further trace back into my Scottish ancestry uncovered an ancestor known as ‘the wizard’. So I could dabble with potions too, I gained a NZ Certificate in Science (Chemistry) and worked in a variety of laboratories (salt, meat, dairy and wine) in NZ and Australia. The wine tasted the best!
During my 5 years in Adelaide, Australia, I completed several writing courses at the WEA. When my partner, son (5 months), dog and I moved back to NZ we lived in a house truck for 3 years while our off-the-grid house was planned and built. During this period I wrote on a solar powered laptop and completed many correspondence courses from the AWA.
I write adult fantasy, children’s novels and I’m currently branching into romance.
In 2012 my children’s MS, Hieroglyph was selected for the NZSA MS Assessment Programme and was further selected for one of five mini-mentorships.
My children’s novel, Tails, will be released late 2013.
When I’m not glued to my laptop writing or engrossed in a book, I love walking my dog on the wild West Coast beaches and trolling for sea glass, riding my bike or going for bush walks. I always wished I could fly so maybe that’s why I love roller coasters. I’m a connoisseur of coffee and chocolate and I counter my addictions with Zumba and Spin classes. I believe life is an adventure and we should all live a life less ordinary.
Please visit Wendy’s website and blog www.wendyjscott.com or ‘Like me’ on facebook http://www.facebook.com/AuthorWendyScott
I love hearing from readers and if you enjoyed my books I’d appreciate it if you could take a few moments to post a review. Thanks and happy reading. Wendy

Warrior Spirit (The King of Ireland Book 1) by Jean Carroll

Free eBook available now on Amazon through March 15

Warrior Spirit by Jean Carroll

warrior spiritIrish­man Blackie O’Brien led a sin­ful and self-destructive life of women, alco­hol and drugs. He was the best, win­ningest, cham­pion steeple­chase jockey in the his­tory of the sport until a near-fatal rac­ing acci­dent ended his career.

But this was no “acci­dent”- his ruth­less ex-agent, Micket Reegan orches­trated the whole thing. It seems that the luck o’ the Irish has deserted Blackie once and for all.

And Blackie is no ordi­nary Irish­man. This lusty young man is the direct descen­dent of Brian Boru, the most influ­en­tial High king of Ire­land. If Ire­land still had a king, Blackie would be it.

Now, Blackie is a man with­out a career and with­out a kingdom.

War­rior Spirit chron­i­cles Blackie’s jour­ney from the green val­leys of Ire­land to the priv­i­leged horse coun­try of Mid­dle­burg, Vir­ginia. As Blackie begins to despair over his future, in enters beau­ti­ful, young Meg, who brings her horses to Blackie’s fam­ily farm where he’s been recu­per­at­ing from the accident.

Their sex­ual chem­istry is immediate.

But Blackie’s fam­ily has other plans for him. They believe he’s dri­ven by the spirit of an ancient Irish war­rior and demand he find a place in Ireland’s polit­i­cal leadership.

From fight­ing off alco­holic temp­ta­tions, thwart­ing an attempted rape of Meg, and stop­ping thugs try­ing to take his life, Blackie leaps over one hur­dle after another. Will Blackie ulti­mately find the future he’s meant to have with the love of a good woman? Does Blackie get a second chance to turn his life around?

About the Author

Jean Carroll author of warrior spiritHello Readers-
I started writing The King of Ireland series in 2008 when I had my second knee replaced. I was immobilized with ice on my knee for hours during the day and was, of course, bored to tears. The “King’ story was something I had played with in my head for maybe twenty-five years. Watching one more TV show, I decided to write it down. I wrote long-hand and quickly filled many yellow legal pads and kept on going. Luckily my sister-in-law was a very good typist, so I enlisted her help.

I made a lot of mistakes at first and along the way learned a great deal about the craft of writing and I’m still learning. I got a mountain of advice and help from agents, editors, contest judges, critique groups and friends. I found quickly that their was something called “word count” and it was frowned upon to have too much of it. So I had to pare my 300K word novel down to where somebody might look at it. Hence I now have a three book, one prequel novella series and might add more if my readers get invested in my characters.
I love my characters by the way and feel very close to them. I got highly insulted when a family member said Blackie just wasn’t her cup of tea!

I have a passion for horses just like my characters and have since I was a little girl and saw my first horse. Our property backed up to the Garrison Forest School for Girls in Maryland and they rode their horses through our woods.

I started riding when I was about eight years old and rode consistently until in my thirties and was lucky enough to have my own horse and pony for ten years. I did a lot of showing and did mostly jumping. Later I discovered dressage and became fascinated with it just like the main characters in my book.

I retired in 2010 and briefly before that I started riding again and it was glorious to on a horse once more. I’m retired from Johns Hopkins University where I worked for 27 years as an Electron Microscopist. I still work there part-time. The best thing is now I get to write full time and feel very blessed to be able to do so.

Read Warrior Spirit now on your Kindle or PC

Seed Money by Cyndie Shaffstall

Free eBook March 8th and 9th

Seed Money by Cyndie Shaffstall

seed moneyThis novel by Cyndie Shaffstall wraps science fiction around the mystery of a near-future conspiracy.

Engineers, inventors, and business people alike scrambled to develop a solution before the world’s population was completely wiped out by an irradiated atmosphere, but the chosen solution became a temporary fix at best. By 2062, we are burdened by the weight of unchecked population growth and global warming has reduced our inhabitable space by half.

With our workplace frustratingly neutered by the Genderless Act, we came to embrace sex in trystrooms—where anything goes—and it’s all kept secret by the Privacy Act. Combined concern for humankind and the planet drives innovation, and businesses thrive in an environment where unemployment and poverty have been eliminated. The Government Reorganization and Realignment Effort enables one group of brilliant young designers to reclaim some of the ever-shrinking space—but bringing it to market exposes manipulation and corruption on a devastating, worldwide scale.


About the Author

Seed Money by Cyndie ShaffstallCyndie Shaffstall, a quintessential entrepreneur in the software industry, wrote her first book in 1992, QuarkXPress: Making the Most of Your Negative Experiences, followed quickly by a dozen after-market computer manuals. In the years since, she has further contributed to the design and business industries as the editor and publisher of X-Ray Magazine and more recently, revealing some of her successful business practices in Small-business Guide to Winning at Web Marketing.

Cyndie Shaffstall is a prolific writer of eBooks, case studies, press releases, blog articles, and other online content for her company, Spider Trainers–a provider of automated marketing–and as a contributing blogger to Target Marketing Magazine, among other print and electronic publications. Cyndie Shaffstall is the inventor and patent holder of Sassy Strappings, a fashion accessory. She lives in Denver with her two dogs, Felix Trinidad and Oscar de la Hoya–boxers

Enjoy Seed Money by Cyndie Shaffstallon your Kindle today!

Free Fiction

Free Fiction March 5 – 8

The Finnish Girl by Dennis Frahmann

free fictionSecrets kill. Not just those you choose to keep from others, or even those that others guard from you. There remains those secrets that you so desparately hide from yourself. They all catch up with Lempi Makinen Lahti.

When Lempi’s teenage son Danny discovers her suicide, he seeks to solve the mysteries that defined her life and death. A pack of letters and clippings hidden in an old family trunk may be the only keys to understanding both his mother’s past and his own future.

“The Finnish Girl” is a richly told tapestry of interwoven characters—the family patriarch who emigrates from Finland to the United States to create his own future, a son who turns his back on his home as part of an ill-fated mission to Russia during the Depression, the elderly mother who faces deportation in an America driven by fear during the Red Scare, and the young Finnish girl who cares too much about the injustices she sees.

Decisions in one generation propel another on unexpected paths, until one family’s hopes for the American dream threaten to become its nightmare.

“Melancholic, brooding, and cut-to-the-bone incisive, this is a tale to remember.” – Publishers Weekly

About the Author

Dennis Frahmann is a journalist, writer and award-winning marketer who grew up in small farming and resort towns in Wisconsin and now lives in the small seaside town of Cambria, California. He holds a B.A. from Ripon College in English and philosophy, and a masters in journalism from Columbia University.

After an initial stint as a restaraunt reviewer and reporter for Mpls. St. Paul Magazine, Frahmann worked in marketing for a variety of high-tech companies, including Control Data, Xerox, and Sage. “Tales from the Loon Town Cafe” is his first novel; “The Finnish Girl” is his second. You can learn more about either novel by visiting www.loontown.com, by friending facebook.com/loontowncafe, or by following the author @dfrahmann.


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Featured Free eBook – On The Run

Today’s Featured eBook

Free March 3 – 4

On The Run by J. M. Parker

featuredOut on yet another drunken night, Bannon, an idealistic but self-destructive dive guide, gets caught in a drunken barroom brawl. An unexpected accident the next day leaves a diver he’s responsible for stranded in the ocean. With the booze still on his breath, and terrified of the consequences, Bannon goes on the run.

Desperate for a way out of Thailand he strikes up with the Frenchman, a charismatic but ruthless drug smuggler offering Bannon a chance at freedom in return for one ‘small’ favor.  As the two men travel toward the Golden Triangle, Bannon crosses paths with Alina, a beautiful traveler searching for a rare and powerful hallucinogenic. As Bannon begins to fall for Alina, and the Frenchman’s sinister designs continue to unfold, he is pulled deeper into a world of drugs, danger, and deceit. A world from which there is seemingly no escape.

Dark, suspenseful, and full of exotic locations, On the Run takes you on a wild, violent, ride through the sordid underbelly of mid 90’s Thailand.

8 Amazon Reviews

featured … was on the edge of my seat reading this wonderfully written thriller

featured Parker has done a fantastic job at constructing a very complex character …

5.0 out of 5 starsWHAT A RIDE!

5.0 out of 5 starsOn the Run is a wonderfully suspenseful and perfectly dark portrayal of Bannon’s wild adventure …

5.0 out of 5 starsWhat a thrill!

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