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The Lost Bible by L.Rosenman

free todayHannah, a green-eyed beauty, finds herself in mid-life with no husband, no work, and no clear direction. Following a promising ad, she joins Professor Mickey Greenbaum on a perilous search for a lost copy of the Gutenberg Bible, last seen in the 16th century.

To succeed where others failed, they must decipher ancient encrypted texts, enter monasteries and torture cellars – and avoid dangerous criminals who will stop at nothing to lay their hands on this priceless antiquity. Along the way, Hanna and Mickey discover each other as well…

This suspenseful romance reveals an ancient love that drowned in blood 500 years ago, yet has endured to this day.

This eBook is only free today, so download your copy now.

About the Author

free today Liora Rosenman

L. Rosenman is an artist and a multidisciplinary creator, who lives in a picturesque little town in Israel, studying spirituality and Kabala. She is a member of the Israeli Artist Association, participating in exhibitions in Israel and overseas. When she is not writing or painting, she likes to travel the world with her husband Lior, and their three children, Shelly, Aviv, and Shiri.

From the Author

It’s true that I would sometimes fall asleep in school history classes. But that was only because I had never imagined howthe lives of the heroes of the past were filled with passion, lust, betrayal and death.

When I found out how little history has dedicated to describing the intriguing and militant Princess Charlotte de Borbon – a real princess who was also a rebellious nun in the 16th century – I decided that I had to correct the injustice.

In the story I wrote, I combined historical facts into a work of fiction. It merged beautifully with past scenes from my personal life: my childhood in Israel and South America, my military service during the Lebanon War, and even earlier periods of my life as a Marrano in Portugal and the Netherlands.

During the writing process, I moved from my home to a small village in the mountains of Jerusalem. There, alone for a magical month, whose nights were filled with cries of jackals and foxes, I wrote in a frenzy this crazy story of the hunt for Gutenberg’s lost bible. Sometimes, the conversations and arguments of Hannah and Mickey carried on into my dreams.

And one day it was finished. The figures returned to live only in the pages of the book. The gunshots were silenced and the skeletons returned to the basement.

Now they belong to you.


This Lost Bible is only free today so download your copy now.

A Non-Believer’s Near Death Experience

Free April 3 – 6

Dying to Really Live (NDE Insight Series Book 1) by Duane Smith

near death experienceA Non-Believer’s Near Death Experience

The surprising true story of hope and inspiration about a young Agnostic who, seemingly, had everything. Then, a Stanford Medical doctor diagnosed him with an incurable medical condition, giving him 5 months to live and sending him home to get his affairs in-order. In time, being an agnostic, the young man became use to the idea of death, expecting only oblivion.

However, he was wrong. Instead of oblivion, he was taken to an amazing Afterlife where he learned just how wrong he had been about so much. Later he was returned to this life to tell his story; to tell people that there is nothing to fear in death, in fact it’s quite the opposite. Death is just the beginning of a new adventure either there, here or somewhere else.

This is Book I of the NDE series (near death experience) telling of his death and his original 2 trips to the afterlife. Book II and III relate what he saw, did and learned during the other 4 return trips, as he was prepared to write his story. Book IV, foretells of what we can expect in the coming few decades; the most exciting time in human history as God unfolds the final part of his creation.

Q. So, what makes the Near Death Experience Insight Series special?
A. Perhaps, if anything, it’s because, I was a Non-Believer in anything religious or spiritual, when I died. So, I wasn’t expecting Heaven or Hell, just nothingness. However, when I died, no one waiting for me there, cared what I thought. I was just taken to the Afterlife, as I had no say in the matter.

Q. So, who should read the NDE Insight Series Books?
A. I am not sure anyone “should” read it. However, if a person wants to learn more about their purpose of life on earth, having unanswered questions about life, the Afterlife, and why we’re here, this may be of interest.

Q. Did your near death experience change you in any way?
A. Completely, in almost every way. Before I died, I thought I had this life all figured out. I thought that “He who has the most toys when he dies, wins.” And when I died, I was doing pretty well by that measurement. However, I found I didn’t have anything figured out. In fact, I had almost everything wrong.

Q. I see there are 4 books in the Near Death Experience Series. Are they all about your death and return?
A. No, Book I, “Dying to Really Live” covers my original death and trip to the afterlife, plus being taken back there again a few months later.

Q. If Book I covers all that, what are the other 3 three books in the series about?
A. Book II, “Beyond the Afterlife”, tells of what it was like to be back on earth after being in the afterlife. It also is what I saw, did and learned the other 4 times I was again returned to the Afterlife. Then, in Book III I write of what I was assigned to do between trips to the afterlife, where I was preparing for what I was really sent back to do.

Q. And what, then, was the purpose of your being sent back.
A. I was sent back to tell my story; to tell people that we have it all wrong about life on earth. First, death is just the beginning, not an end. Also, we come to earth for fun, adventure and learning, planning each life long before each incarnation.

Q. And, that leaves the 4th book. What is it about?
A. Book IV, “Living in a New Tomorrow” concerns what to expect in the coming few decades, as the rate of change continues to accelerate in preparation for a new tomorrow, promised long ago.

Q. Can you tell us a little bit about this “New Tomorrow”?
A. Well, in short, it’s been called The Age of Aquarius, The Rapture, Return to the Edenic State, or sometimes, The End of Times. However, whatever you call it, it is the most exciting time in the history of the material world. Many alive have seen its beginnings and will see its fruition.

Q. Is there anything further you would like to say?
A. It will be helpful to remember that, God will never withdraw man’s right to his own free will, which includes the right to be wrong about most of what he believes.

About the Author

Duane F. SmithDuane F. Smith’s unusual background and life experience provided a unique perspective about the time we chose to be on this planet. Born dyslexic himself, he found his early schooling a challenge. Barely finishing high school, he left to join the Army and had his life changed forever.
In the Army’s infinite wisdom, this man who had, himself, struggled in school was assigned to teach in an experimental program designed by the University of Maryland, for the Army. The University had developed a teaching technique that they called Programmed Learning and were experimenting with 350 illiterate draftees who, for whatever reason, had never attended school. The University had designed the program to take these men from grades 1 through grade 12, thereby allowing them to qualify for a high school GED, which was the minimum standard required to serve in the Armed Forces. However, the goal of the program defied any conventional logic at the time. The program was to take these men from the 1st grade to passing a 12th -grade equivalency test . . . in 90 days!

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Seven Sisters

Free eBook March 26 – 31

Seven Sisters (Seven Sisters Series Book 1) by M.L. Bullock

seven sistersCarrie Jo has a secret—she dreams about the past. The handsome and wealthy Ashland Stuart has hired her to uncover the history and the secrets of Seven Sisters, an aging antebellum mansion in sultry downtown Mobile, Alabama. A series of dreams, an untimely death and the betrayal of someone she loves lead her back in time to uncover the truth about a missing young heiress and a web of secrets.

Will Carrie Jo slip into the shadows of Seven Sisters, following in the ghostly footsteps of the lost young woman, or can she solve this tragic mystery and find her own happiness?

This is book one in a three book series. The final book, Shadows Stir on Seven Sisters will be released in March of 2015.


About the Author

M.L. BullockAuthor M.L. Bullock enjoys the laid-back atmosphere and the spooky vibe of the Gulf Coast, especially the region’s historic districts and sites. When she isn’t visiting her favorite haunts in New Orleans or Old Mobile, you can find her flipping through old photographs or newspaper clippings in search of new inspiration.

Book Deal Today

If you’re looking for a great book deal today, here is one for $0.99!

Masked Obsession- Part I (The Masquerade Series Book 1) by Kendall Michelle

book deal todayThough the devastating breakup with Donte Carrera still haunts her after five years, Erika Anderson, an African-American senior advertising account executive, opens herself up to the possibility of a relationship with Fernando Vega, her sexy best male friend.

Fernando and Donte share more than being notorious Latino playboys, wealthy business owners and sons of cartel bosses. Both men are obsessed with Erika and will stop at nothing to have her. Neither of them could have predicted sharing that obsession with Donte’s best friend, Kevin Jackson.

Ever patient and observant, Kevin has wanted Erika from the moment he saw her at one of Fernando’s college house parties and has no qualms about doing whatever it takes to get her.

The past threatens the future as lies are revealed, secrets are uncovered and passions are ignited.


About the Author

Kendall Michelle has a book deal todayKendall Michelle has a B.S. degree from Virginia Tech and currently lives in Central Virginia with her indulgent husband of a hundred years. She admits she doesn’t know exactly how many years they’ve been married but it’s closer to twenty years than a hundred.

Writing romance isn’t new to Kendall Michelle. She still has the first romance she wrote in middle school. Granted it’s a far cry from the various subgenres of erotic romance she writes now.

When Kendall Michelle isn’t reading or writing what she lovingly calls borderline smut, she spends her time sipping sweet wine, tackling decorating/home improvement projects and obsessing over what’s for dinner. Not necessarily in that order.

Have a great recipe to share or comments for Kendall Michelle? Email her at bykmichelle@gmail.com. Want to see what’s going on with your favorite book characters, visit her website at www.kendallmichelle.com. Interested in her random thoughts? She tweets at bykmichelle.


If your looking for another book deal today,

visit our Book Deal Page

Tiger House by Wendy Scott

Free eBook Today!

Tiger House: The First Chronicle of Jairus Tanner (The Chronicles of Jairus Tanner Book 1) by Wendy Scott

free ebook today“The Fates have chosen you to act on behalf of our noble Houses. Challenges will be set. To ensure your utter cooperation and commitment, the fate of your loved ones rests on your actions. It is in your interest to survive. Defy us by refusing to play and we will decimate your homelands. To win, the rules are simple: by whatever means, cross the finish line before the designated cull number. But in the end, only one of you will remain.”

Muscular arms protruded out of black studded vests that strained to contain stocky chests. An animal emblem … claws … incisors … whiskers… was sewn in orange upon their breasts. Dagger shafts jutted out of belts, pouches, and boots. Assassins? What did these rough men want with him?

Betrayed. Kidnapped. A farm boy mistaken for a warrior, Jairus must survive the Emperor’s Games or everyone he loves will be incinerated by the war dragons. Thousands compete for the dragon banner, but in the end there can only be one winner.

The adjudicator thumped the scepter into the ground three times. “By the fates, the war dragons will not return until a new emperor wins the dragon scepter.”
The crowd parted as Tekagi threaded her way toward the funeral cart waiting by the main gate. Tiger pelts adorned the two caskets. Only emperors earned the right to be entombed within the Dragon Palace. The sons were relegated to less hallowed ground.
A few of her most treasured belongings were also piled on the cart. No longer an emperor’s daughter she was being cast out of the palace. A limp tiger tail trailed over the side of the cart. She ran the tips of her obsidian finger stalls along its striped length before tucking it beneath a tapestry.

She tapped her fan against the cart’s side and the driver flicked the horses’ reins into a funeral march. Head bowed, she followed a few paces behind, flanked by her two bodyguards. As she exited through the palace gates and headed to Tiger House she patted the snake bracelet on her forearm, and vowed, “I will reclaim my birthright. Let the Emperor Games begin.”

Contains mature themes. R16.

Grab your copy of this free eBook today.

This free eBook today includes Bonus material.
Excerpts of Lodestone (Witch-Hunt), and Ferrasium (The Windflowers Trilogy) are included at the conclusion of Tiger House.


About the Author of the Free eBook Today

free ebook today by Wendy ScottAs a child I had a ferocious imagination and immersed myself in creating stories and poems. One birthday I begged for a chemistry set, sensing the promise of adventure from the glittering vials of copper sulphate and salt. At that time, I didn’t know I was following in the footsteps of my grandfather who had studied science in Edinburgh in 1899. A further trace back into my Scottish ancestry uncovered an ancestor known as ‘the wizard’. So I could dabble with potions too, I gained a NZ Certificate in Science (Chemistry) and worked in a variety of laboratories (salt, meat, dairy and wine) in NZ and Australia. The wine tasted the best!
During my 5 years in Adelaide, Australia, I completed several writing courses at the WEA. When my partner, son (5 months), dog and I moved back to NZ we lived in a house truck for 3 years while our off-the-grid house was planned and built. During this period I wrote on a solar powered laptop and completed many correspondence courses from the AWA.
I write adult fantasy, children’s novels and I’m currently branching into romance.
In 2012 my children’s MS, Hieroglyph was selected for the NZSA MS Assessment Programme and was further selected for one of five mini-mentorships.
My children’s novel, Tails, will be released late 2013.
When I’m not glued to my laptop writing or engrossed in a book, I love walking my dog on the wild West Coast beaches and trolling for sea glass, riding my bike or going for bush walks. I always wished I could fly so maybe that’s why I love roller coasters. I’m a connoisseur of coffee and chocolate and I counter my addictions with Zumba and Spin classes. I believe life is an adventure and we should all live a life less ordinary.
Please visit Wendy’s website and blog www.wendyjscott.com or ‘Like me’ on facebook http://www.facebook.com/AuthorWendyScott
I love hearing from readers and if you enjoyed my books I’d appreciate it if you could take a few moments to post a review. Thanks and happy reading. Wendy