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kindle-storeBig slut-hair, ferocious red lips, and thigh-highs—Hannah is set for her steamiest New Year’s Eve seduction ever. But instead of a sexy new year romance, her boyfriend of five and a half years breaks up with her. Forced back into the revolving door of the L.A. dating scene Hannah finds herself contemplating second chances with The Ex, trying to comfort herself in the hot young neighbor’s bed, and falling in love…again?

This sexy chick lit series is a humorous romance about dating and relationships. A romantic shotgun blast of cocktails, cockteases, and revelations. Surrounded by her slightly insane friends, Hannah treads the infamous waters of heartbreak. From the pros and cons of rebound sex, to navigating manic Ex-induced mood swings, and exploring whether a leather harness and latex can really help you move on, will Hannah ever find The One? Strap in and hang on, this ride is going to hurt.

Meet Dorota Skrzypek

Kindle Store bio of Dorota SkrzypekDorota Skrzypek, also writing as S.L. Hannah, was born in Poland, grew-up in Canada, and moved to Southern California in 1997 to pursue her love of single-engine airplanes.

Her first book, The Dentist and The Toothfairy, is a graphic novel about a dentist whose soul is saved by a toothfairy’s undying love. This coffee table book is is a collaborative effort of literature, artwork, and a music soundtrack.

Sex, Life, & Hannah is Dorota’s juicy book series about one woman’s insistent quest to find “The One” amidst the revolving door of the L.A. dating scene. Through broken hearts, broken dreams, and nearly-broken bed frames, Hannah grapples with the modern late-twenty-something’s conundrum: Does the fairytale life exist, and is it worth having? Dorota has started work on the fourth book in this steamy chick lit saga, set for release in late 2015.

The Need is Dorota’s first foray into writing an erotic thriller. The manuscript won the 2013 Florida Romance Writers Golden Palm Contest for New Adult Romance, and is an adaptation of a screenplay Scott Frazelle wrote about a woman struggling to free herself from her lover’s physical and emotional binds. Currently being considered by top publishers, buzz about the break-out novel calls it “one powerful piece of writing, creepy as hell.” This book will be the first released under her pen name, S.L. Hannah.

When she’s not writing fiction, Dorota continues to solve the aviation problems of the world.

For all the latest info please visit: www.sexlifeandhannah.com.

If you have a free promotion in the Kindle store, let us know by filling out this form.


Free May 29 – 30

rogueThe Omega Group has one purpose: to save mankind from preternatural and supernatural threats. After all, it takes one to know one, right?

Being sent home to investigate a rash of unusual events at the Grand Canyon is a mission Carter Mockta would really like to avoid. He’s worked long and hard to forget his past and the reasons why he first joined the Omega Group. Unfortunately, missing people, tourists losing time, and unexplained auras are problems that can’t be ignored.

Thrust into the middle of a tribal war that began over a thousand years ago when a God granted a single wish, Carter and his team must put an end to the vicious feud and scramble to survive as the ancient past, troubled present, and not-so-distant future collide.

The Grand Canyon holds many secrets, but one of them is far more sinister than anyone knows.

About Andrea Domanski, author of Rogue

Andrea Domanski

Born and raised near Toronto, Canada, Andrea Domanski moved south to get away from the snow and cold when she was 24 years old. She now lives in Savannah, Georgia with her husband Mark, their two children, and their goldendoodle.

After selling her business in 2012, Andrea focused her energies on raising her two children and finding a new career path that excited her. It wasn’t long before she decided that writing a novel – something she’d always wanted to do – would be her next big adventure.

Sign up for her newsletter at http://www.andreadomanski.com/

Check out her Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/andreadomanskiauthor

Follow her on Twitter at https://twitter.com/andrea_domanski

Andrea is a proud member of the WorldWiseWriters group (http://www.worldwisewriters.com) and is currently working on the next book in her Omega Group series.

Ice Demon

Free eBook available now on Amazon!

Ice DemonA ship of dead with iced men who shatter; The Terror sails into the Port of London during England’s worst winter, bringing insidious ice fog and a hidden killer. Secret Commission agents, Artifice, the artificial ghost, and Jim Dastard, the animated skull, track their murderer to the frozen Thames’ Frost Fair, only for Art to discover a deadlier danger—one involving the women she holds dear. F/F historical fantasy and Gothic mystery set in the steampunk world of the Dark Victorian series.

“Ice Demon is Smart. Engaging. The fog creeps off the page.” – Melanie Karsak, author of the Amazon best-selling steampunk series, The Airship Racing Chronicles

Experience paranormal detective mysteries with a Victorian female sleuth:
A historical fantasy in a mechanical and supernatural London, follow the adventures of an uncanny female sleuth and her senior skull partner set in the same alternate world as Elizabeth Watasin’s Victorian supernatural mystery series, The Elle Black Penny Dreads.

Learn more about this intriguing, steampunk lesbian series:
It is 1880; black arts sorcery had its time to grow in England and to battle the eldritch evils threatening, HRH Prince Albert’s Secret Commission is born. Executed criminals are brought back to life without memories and to fight as agents. Among those resurrected is Artifice, a six foot two tall strongwoman, Quaker, and artificial ghost, guided by her senior partner, Jim Dastard, the animated skull. And she soon discovers–from her encounters with a madwoman journalist, a mysterious woman in black, and a French prostitute–where her heart lies . . .

ICE DEMON is a penny dreadful from storyteller Elizabeth Watasin, who delights in bringing you shilling shockers immersed in Gothic Victorian mystery, women detectives, and the paranormal vestiges of an otherworldly London. Read more in Dark Victorian: Risen, Dark Victorian: Bones, Medusa: A Dark Victorian Penny Dread Vol 2, and Sundark: An Elle Black Penny Dread.

About the author of Ice Demon, Elizabeth Watasin

Ice demon author, Elizabeth WatasinElizabeth Watasin is the author of the Gothic steampunk series The Dark Victorian, The Elle Black Penny Dreads, and the creator/artist of the indie comics series Charm School, which was nominated for a Gaylactic Spectrum Award.

A twenty year veteran of animation and comics, her credits include thirteen feature films, such as Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin, The Lion King, and The Princess and the Frog, and writing for Disney Adventures magazine. She lives in Los Angeles with her black cat named Draw, busy bringing readers uncanny heroines in shilling shockers, historical fantasies, and adventuress tales.

Follow the news of her latest projects at A-Girl Studio.


Free May 24 – 25

LodestoneTwo tales entwine. Sabrina is thrust out of her sheltered life at Mistress Florisah’s healing school after the destruction of the witch-ancestor portraits and the appearance of Lauren the Destroyer’s ghost.

An anti-witchcraft regime is poised on Karthalon’s borders threatening full scale genocide, unless Sabrina, the last of Lauren’s bloodline, can destroy the Lodestone and restore magic to Valloaria. Hundreds of years before Lauren had wrought the cataclysmic demise of the Council of Witches by unleashing the Lodestone and now Sabrina is the only one who can undo Lauren’s legacy.

Sabrina struggles to accept this suicide mission and is distracted by her inappropriate affection for Micah, a prospect monk. Lauren’s ghost haunts Sabrina’s dreams and her diary reveals the tragic events behind Lauren’s actions. With invasion imminent, Sabrina embarks on her quest armed only with a sliver of the Lodestone and Lauren’s diary.

Bonus material:
An excerpt of Ferrasium, Book 1: The Windflowers Trilogy is included at the conclusion of Lodestone.

About Wendy Scott, author of Loadstone

Lodestone author Wendy ScottAs a child I had a ferocious imagination and immersed myself in creating stories and poems. One birthday I begged for a chemistry set, sensing the promise of adventure from the glittering vials of copper sulphate and salt. At that time, I didn’t know I was following in the footsteps of my grandfather who had studied science in Edinburgh in 1899. A further trace back into my Scottish ancestry uncovered an ancestor known as ‘the wizard’. So I could dabble with potions too, I gained a NZ Certificate in Science (Chemistry) and worked in a variety of laboratories (salt, meat, dairy and wine) in NZ and Australia. The wine tasted the best!

During my 5 years in Adelaide, Australia, I completed several writing courses at the WEA. When my partner, son (5 months), dog and I moved back to NZ we lived in a house truck for 3 years while our off-the-grid house was planned and built. During this period I wrote on a solar powered laptop and completed many correspondence courses from the AWA.

I write adult fantasy, children’s novels and I’m currently branching into romance.
In 2012 my children’s MS, Hieroglyph was selected for the NZSA MS Assessment Programme and was further selected for one of five mini-mentorships.
My children’s novel, Tails, will be released late 2013.

When I’m not glued to my laptop writing or engrossed in a book, I love walking my dog on the wild West Coast beaches and trolling for sea glass, riding my bike or going for bush walks. I always wished I could fly so maybe that’s why I love roller coasters. I’m a connoisseur of coffee and chocolate and I counter my addictions with Zumba and Spin classes. I believe life is an adventure and we should all live a life less ordinary.
Please visit Wendy’s website and blog www.wendyjscott.com or ‘Like me’ on facebook http://www.facebook.com/AuthorWendyScott

I love hearing from readers and if you enjoyed my books I’d appreciate it if you could take a few moments to post a review. Thanks and happy reading. Wendy X


One-Minute Meditation

Learn about meditation free today on Amazon!


Try something new – completly different from meditations like, sit quietly and focus on your breath!

You can improve your mood, your approach to life, relationships with people and even your physical and mental state by devoting only one minute to these changes! It’s not magic. It’s the One-Minute Meditation on Four Words. It’s the only one of its kind, as it was created by the author based on his many years of research and experience. Which is why you don’t need to have any experience in meditation!

You don’t need any equipment either. And you’ll find the entire Meditation right at the start of the second chapter!

It’s short, simple and effective.

If you want to savor its soothing, multidimensional effects for more than a minute, you’ll also find different ways to do so. You can even develop it into a deeper 12-day program! It’s a unique, transforming experience…

It doesn’t matter how quick the pace of your life is, you can enjoy the wonderful effects of the One-Minute Meditation on Four Words anywhere, in any stressful situation – even with your eyes open!

Do something good for yourself – it only takes a minute.

Sebastian Dacków

Meditation by Sebastian DackówSebastian Dacków (born in 1978, Poznan, Poland) has been interested for many years in topics related to the improvement, broadly understood, of mood and health, spiritual development and all kinds of “energies”. As a child he used to play with his father’s dowsing pendulum, eventually pleading for his own.

As an adult, he began his adventure with such “miraculous subjects” anew with a course on Hawaiian Lomi Lomi Nui massage. Later, he became involved in Reiki (current level: Master), and then in dozens of other energy systems (with initiations from Masters and Teachers from Europe and the USA). He has basic experience in Tai Chi and Qi Gong, channeling, as well as various card types (including Tarot) and runes.

Before concentrating on the Meditation on Four Words, he was very involved in Reconnective Healing (Level III certificate) and had also tried the potential of systems connected with quantum physics: Richard Bartlett’s Matrix Energetics and Frank Kinslow’s Quantum Entrainment. Until now, he shared the possibilities opened up by his newly-discovered systems only with his family and friends.