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19 Consejos a Seguir Cuando Emplee a Un Contratista de Construcción

19 ConsejosSu casa es la mayor posesión única que tendrá que comprar y cuidar. Así que , cuando se quiere encontrar a alguien para mejorarla , es importante saber qué hacer y cómo hacerlo. Este libro , escrito por un contratista seleccionado edificio, le ofrece un conjunto de valiosos consejos que garanticen a asegurar el contratista para trabajar en su casa.





Night People by Larry J Dunlap is Free!

night peopleNIGHT PEOPLE, an intimate, literary memoir, follows the first three, of six, years in the life of a young singer and three vocalist friends in a transformational journey as they strive for success in a coming-of-age music and romance-filled adventure in 1960-era California and Las Vegas.

As their fortunes rise, he and his rock&roll band are plunged into an adventure that will make them the model for Three Dog Night, take them to dangerous mob-run nightclubs, Las Vegas showrooms and backrooms, and famous Hollywood nightclubs, celebrity managers, famous recording studios, and passionate romance.

In this book everything Larry thinks he knows will be challenged, as he tries to adapt to a new life, a new companion and lover, and to the things he finds, and loses, in the tumultuous nights he now inhabits.

Night People was influenced by “Wild” by Cheryl Strayed, “The Wrecking Crew” by Kent Hartman, and “The Descendents” by Kaui Hart Hemmings

About Night People author: Larry J Dunlap

Larry J DunlapLarry J. Dunlap is the author of NIGHT PEOPLE, Book 1 of Things We Lost in the Night, A Memoir of Love and Music in the 60s with Stark Naked and the Car Thieves and is currently preparing ENCHANTED, Book 2, the concluding volume, for publication in early 2016.

During the years following his memoir Larry continued in the Seventies music business roaming the streets of the Hollywood as a personal manager, publisher, and Sunset Boulevard recording studio owner/operator. In the Eighties Larry co-founded the first digital broadcasting network, to deliver computer games and internet to homes via cable television, followed by several years in video and film production, and post production.

Larry earned his bones for several years as a pencil-for-hire, technical and training writer for Fortune 50 companies. He developed and designed the curricula and training for a national network engineer training program for CompUSA, later freelancing to write extensive training programs for Sprint, basic computer training curricula for Section 8 housing for HUD, and consumer electronics sales training for Sam’s Club.

Larry’s favorite project has been imagining a galactic empire, and then designing, authoring, and developing a graphical multiplayer online strategy game, IMPERIAL WARS, to play in it. He is a published short story author, music magazine columnist, and authored and drew a published music-based cartoon strip named Frets. Currently Larry writes fiction and creative non-fiction from his home near the mountains east of Los Angeles where he shares his life with Laurie and their Chilidog.

Find out more at: http://larryjdunlap.com

Follow him on Twitter: https://twitter.com/larryjdunlap

Like him on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/larryjdunlap.author

Be sure to leave a review for Night People on Amazon.

99 cent Book Deal!

99 cent book dealA Laugh Till It Hurts Literal Leigh Romance Diaries Spin-off
Everyone’s favorite witch, Gertie O’Leary, is back! And she has a story of her own to tell.

“One thing I’ve learned about running a shelter for paranormal creatures, you can’t afford to let your guard down. It all started when I welcomed an enchanting new guest to my plantation. Strange things started to happen. Well, more strange than usual. I was caught off guard by some conflicting feelings and it spurred me on to get Brad, the love of my life, committed. To moving in with me, that is. In any case, I was willing to do whatever it took: love spells, black magic, and something so naughty I’d rather not mention it here. Nothing worked out quite the way I planned and I ended up having to go to hell and back just to save my own self! If it wasn’t for Marie Laveau and the rest of my friends, I wouldn’t be able to share this tale with you in my memoir, Gertie’s Paranormal Plantation.”

Don’t miss this 99 cent book deal!

About the author, Melanie James

99 cent book deal author Melanie JamesUSA Today Bestselling author, Melanie James spent 14 years as an IT systems administrator before tiring of the hustle and bustle of the technology world. She’s doing what she loves, by writing paranormal comedy, steamy paranormal, and contemporary romance books. Melanie has a Bachelor’s Degree from the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh in Leadership and Development, with a minor in Women’s Studies. She is working on her Master’s Degree in Adult Education at the University of Wisconsin-Stout.

Melanie is married to a wonderful man who supports her dreams and goals. She has two children, three step-children, a beautiful daughter-in-law, and an adorable grand-baby.

Sign up for news and updates from Melanie. All you have to do is click on the link below or paste it into your browser!
Ways to follow Melanie on Social Media
Twitter @autmelaniejames
Visit Melanie’s webpage to find the latest information on books, merchandise, and giveaways!

Books by Melanie James
Accidental Leigh
Serious Leigh
Hopeful Leigh
Haunting Leigh
Joyful Leigh
Literal Leigh Romance Diaries Boxed Set
Conjuring Darkness
A Valentine’s Surprise
A Deadly Obsession
Éveiller Drive – Ava & Will
Éveiller Drive – Kara & Dave
Éveiller Drive – Laura & Alan
Éveiller Drive – Jamie & Brad
Éveiller Drive – Ashley & Jeff
Éveiller Drive – Valerie & Greg
Cooking With The Crazy Lady Authors
Romancing The Paranormal Anthology -(Gertie’s Paranormal Plantation is part of this amazing set!) One Click it now!
**Coming Soon**
Karma Inc. – A Literal Leigh Romance Diaries spin off featuring Kelly and Esmeralda
Disastrous Leigh – Book One of the Literal Leigh Marriage Diaries


Free eBook – The Ruby Iyer Diaries

Ruby Iyer Diaries

From the girl that would save the world.

Never seen before private diary entries they don’t want you to know about. Peek into the mind of the making of a maverick.

No one ever believed in Ruby, little did they know she’d save millions of lives from annihilation.

Ignored by her mother, a 16-year-old runaway, struggling to survive the crowded streets of Bombay and the secrets she won’t admit even to herself. It’s all inside the pages of The Ruby Iyer Diaries.

“There’s a harshness to this narration that makes a lot of the introspection ring true even as it is shocking.” Beth, Top 500 reviewer Amazon, Vine voice

“… draws you in with its honest voice and some deep rooted feelings of the protagonist.” DDS, Limca Book of Records Winner for most book reviews in India

From the bestselling dystopian fiction author with over 200 reviews and ratings of her dystopia books across Goodreads, Amazon and other retailers.

If you’re looking for books like Hunger Games, then this dystopia romance, The Ruby Iyer Series is it.

About The Ruby Iyer Diaries author: Laxmi Hariharan

Laxmi HariharanShe almost died. But when dystopia romance author Laxmi Hariharan had a near death experience, she was told to write. Laxmi is the creator of dystopian romance series, RUBY IYER SERIES (The MANY LIVES OF VIKRAM ROY – FINALIST Indie Excellence Awards, the bestselling The RUBY IYER DIARIES , The FIRST LIFE OF VIKRAM ROY, The SECOND LIFE OF RUBY IYER & VIKRAM ROY, PANKY’s FIRST LIFE), and the Amazon bestselling, eLit Gold winner, The Destiny of Shaitan (Bombay Chronicles, 1). If you’re looking for books like Divergent and Angelfall, you’ll love the RUBY IYER SERIES.

Laxmi writes books similar to Hunger Games while listening to electronica & progressive rock, and downing innumerable cups of extra sweet ginger-chai. She is also an avid photographer of street art and believes she was a tree — a redwood — in her past life. London is where she creates. Bombay is what fires her imagination.
Receive a free copy of THE RUBY IYER DIARIES when you sign up to her newsletter here: http://laxmihariharan.us5.list-manage1.com/subscribe
Reach Laxmi, on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/laxmihariharanauthor
on Twitter https://twitter.com/laxmi
on Instagram http://www.instagram/com/laxmiwrites

Free eBook – Game On Boys!

game on boysGame on Boys is a hilarious adventure story for boys and girls that will get you laughing hysterically until your guts explode. Just make sure your Mom doesn’t have to clean it up and keep the dog away.

Rino James is addicted to Minecraft, PlayStation and anything that resembles a computer game. He goes to a cool school, has a cool teacher and a very uncool sister ‘Loom Band Lisa’ who does everything in her pink power to ruin his fun.

Anyone who loves computer games and loves ‘Wimpy kid’ books will enjoy this hilarious, action filled adventure.

When Ryan’s teacher, with the unfortunate name (Mr Higginbottom) introduces a Play Station competition at school, everyone in the fifth grade goes into a crazy frenzy as they battle their way to win the prize. With Ryan’s cool gaming record he’s a sure fire thing to win until something disastrously ugly happens to cause his plans of victory to come tumbling to the ground faster than super sonic radar doing a bungee jump with a triple somersault back flip on the way. SPLAT !!%**$

Will it all end badly, and will Ryan’s reputation change from being the coolest gamer to the biggest loser wearing splatted egg on his face, or can super dooper good things come out of really horrid bad things?
With heaps of school yard humor and funny illustrations, this book is sure to get you away from your consoles for awhile.

About Game On Boys! author: Kate Cullen

Kate Cullen

Kate Cullen lives on the glorious Sunshine Coast in Australia by a beautiful beach. She lives with her PlayStation addicted son, her Mine craft addicted daughter, her football addicted husband and a white fluffy thing called Lucy who is the subject of some of her books.

Kate has a background in teaching and nursing but her biggest passions are writing and acting.

As crazy as it sounds, Kate was inspired by her children’s love of computer gaming to write humorous books for middle grade kids in an effort to gently lure them away from their consoles, and sway them toward light, humorous, and sometimes wacky books that incorporate just enough elements of the gaming craze to keep them interested.

Judging by some of her reviews below, her goal has been achieved because more and more children who also love gaming are fostering a new found love of reading as well. Look out for Game on Boys 2 very soon!

Be sure to leave a review for Game On Boys! on Amazon.