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Shadow Work for Couples by Eva Perry

Shadow Work for Couples: Navigating Relationships and Finding Harmony by Eva Perry

“Shadow Work for Couples” is your go-to guide for nurturing your relationship. Discover new perspectives, strategies, tips, and exercises to deepen your bond, overcome challenges, and grow together. Complete a relationship quiz and take a journey of self-discovery through shadow work, and learn how it can impact your relationships. The secret to a truly happy relationship is accepting and loving someone for their positives and their flaws. Through these pages, you will learn to do just that while also getting the best out of each other and your relationship – thrive together!

Download Shadow Work for Couples by Eva Perry while it’s free on Amazon June 26 – 27.

The Exiled by Jason Leigh Smith

The Exiled: A Web of Lies Book 1 by Jason Leigh Smith

Think the Elves are cute? Think again. They’re warriors with explosive magic and fleets of airships. Can the Humans free Belissia from the Elves, or are their plans more sinister?

Download The Exiled by Jason Leigh Smith while it’s free on Amazon 6/24 – 26.


Dawn of the Black Sun by Timo Burnham

Dawn of the Black Sun (The Silver Empire series Book 1) by Timo Burnham

Book Excerpt:

Ryu stared, openmouthed, trying to understand what he was seeing.
“Stop running at him like drunks,” the scarred man said. “He’s one man. Attack together!”
The bandits pulled themselves to their feet and began to spread out until they had fully encircled their opponent.
The old man did not run or even try to reposition at all. He just stood there, head bowed, looking as peaceful as the moment he had arrived.
“Now,” the scarred man said. “As one.”
Ryu braced for the inevitable, unable to look away as five men closed on their prey, brandishing swords and knives. There was no more dancing around the attacks. The old traveler was trapped.
Then, as Ryu watched him, the stranger seemed to change. First, he straightened and lifted his head up to show his face—a face that looked far younger than Ryu had expected. Next, he seemed to grow, both in height and in the width of his shoulders.
Ryu blinked, wondering if the shadows of the forest or the baggy robe were playing tricks on him. There was no time to figure out which it was, because the bandits attacked.
One holding Jinon’s sword went for a backstab, but the man seemed to know it was coming, twisting to avoid the weapon and delivering a counter punch that lifted the bandit off his feet before dropping him on his back. A knife appeared, stabbing straight at the stranger’s eye, but he caught the wrist that held it, throwing the bandit through the air like he was a child. Hands grabbed at the long robe, trying to pull him down, but the stranger spun, extracting himself from the clothing.
Under the robe, the stranger was wearing a simple vest, showing off thick shoulders and muscled arms. He turned so that Ryu caught his gaze for an instant. Where the iris and pupils should have been was only glowing jade light.

Download Dawn of the Black Sun by Timo Burnham on Amazon.

Rust Moon Realm Book 1 by Maeve Harlow

Rust Moon Realm Book 1: A Dark Fantasy Erotica by Maeve Harlow

When Fiona falls through a portal into a violent and magical world, she is captured by a group of cruel soldiers who are tasked with breeding her, and hiding her from the Goddess of Wrath. Fiona’s mysterious new powers make her sought-after…and dangerous. An enchanted collar makes her to submit to the whims of the army’s mercurial commander as he and four soldiers travel through dangerous land by day and take turns bedding her each night.

Download Rust Moon Realm Book 1 by Maeve Harlow on Amazon.

Amber by Vlad Sovenko

Amber by Vlad Sovenko

Have you ever wondered what you would do if you had telepathic abilities?
How would your daily life change if you could read other people’s minds?
How would the world change if the human brain suddenly began to evolve in a small part of the population?
Would you tell anyone, or would you be afraid to admit it?
What would be the consequences for a city with only twenty such people?
What if the telepathic abilities of the few telepaths were at different levels? Would they be afraid of each other, and where would that lead?
What if such a power fell on children, who couldn’t even realize they were different and tell their parents?
And what if such a power fell on teenagers, who live their complicated lives and do not share their personal feelings with anyone?

Download Amber by Vlad Sovenko while it’s free now on Amazon.