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Caleb Erickson’s eBook on sale today!

Caleb Erickson desires to provide important tools to help others succeed and find greater happiness and excitement in their life as he has found in his!

Were All Salesmen: Learn How To Get More Of The Things That You Want Out Of Life by Caleb Erickson

caleb ericksonHave you ever wanted to move up the corporate ladder, make a better income, or simply be able to persuade more people to your point of view for a change?

Have you ever had a light bulb go off inside your head with the perfect idea for a new business, innovative product, or way to improve the workplace?

Have you ever shared your ideas with others only to get rejected? Then before you know it one rejection after another and you’re throwing in the towel on a perfectly good idea.

Wouldn’t it be nice to have people say yes to you? Wouldn’t it be nice to hear people say “now that’s a million dollar idea”?

In this game changing book, Caleb Erickson brings to light a hidden truth about us all. That truth is that we are all salesmen. It doesn’t matter what occupation we are in or where we come from. We all depend on sales to survive in this world.

The truth is, the better you are at sales the more successful you will be in life. It’s that simple!

In this book you will learn

— How we have been using sales since we were children

— Why the most successful people are those that know how to sell

— Easy to use sales strategies that will launch you into success

— How to redefine the term success, so you can stop failing and start achieving

It doesn’t matter what level of success you have achieved in life. We’re All Salesmen is going to help you to take that success to a higher level. You will love this paradigm shifting book, and you will begin to see life in a whole different way!

About the author, Caleb Erickson:

Caleb EricksonCaleb Erickson started his professional career as a massage therapist. He worked in many different locations and places and met many different people from all over the world. Working on many runners, bikers, Ironman athletes, and Olympic athletes. He spent 10 years of his life as a massage therapist helping people to feel and be their best. He loved every minute of it. After 10 years he decided it was time for a career change. He felt that sales needed to be his next adventure, and he has now been in the professional field of sales for over 4 years.

Caleb is married and has 3 beautiful healthy children which he spends most of his free time with laughing and playing.

His passion in life has always been to serve and help others in any capacity he can. His desire is to provide important tools to help others succeed and find greater happiness and excitement in their life as he has found in his!

Connect with Caleb

Website: http://caleberickson.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wereallsalesmen/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/wereallsalesmen

Klingler’s novel is on sale today!

joe klinglerWhen a suspect dies on his watch, failure pushes Alaskan detective Qigiq to San Francisco–the land of magical technology–to regroup. His new fast-driving partner, Kandy Dreeson, calls at dawn: a beautiful avant-garde violinist is at the station freaking out about an Amazon box–and her missing roommate. Thus begins the hunt for a killer who leaves behind a torrent of body parts, videos of heinous crimes, and deadly explosions.

Qigiq and Kandy enter a world of cybercrime he doesn’t understand–but is determined to master. Dodging attempts on their lives with each new bit they decipher, they grow ever closer to a dangerous force that trades money for murder, and music for privacy. Closer with each Amazon delivery. Closer with each new victim.

Suspenseful and grisly with humor and seduction, Mash Up is a riveting read of intertwined action from the first sentence. High-speed chase suspenseful, exploding with power-struggle intrigue, and awash in Silicon Valley innovation; Mash Up captures the enchantment of the Internet Age, and the deadly power of a file copy.

2016 WINNER-Beverly Hills Books Awards – Best Thriller
2016 FINALIST-Next Generation Indie Book Awards – Second Novel
2015 WINNER National Indie Excellence Award – Best Thriller

“A classic addition to the noir genre.”–San Francisco Book Review (5 of 5 Stars)


About the author, Joe Klingler:

Joe KlinglerJoe Klingler is the author of the award-winning thrillers RATS and Mash Up. He has been a programmer, research scientist, and entrepreneur, and is fascinated with the interplay of people and the technology they absorb into their lives. His thrillers intertwine digital technology and his passions for music and motion. Joe currently resides in California with a Mac, a motorbike, and a guitar. Missing Mona is his third novel.

Visit his website: https://joeklingler.com/

Andy Futuro’s Cyberpunk Noir is free!

Andy FuturoIn a futuristic Philadelphia, someone is killing blue-eyed girls and they are good. The mysterious Gaespora have contracted tough-as-nails PI Saru Solan to find a very special girl who may be host to a wrathful alien entity known as the Blue God. Saru must outwit the hunters and find their prey before she becomes just another murder victim.

Armed with implants, a brain-linked pistol, and a cattle-prod, Saru must battle the servants of the Hungry God, the zombie-like elzi, and the skin-stealing feasters. It is a desperate bid to save the special blue-eyed girl. If Saru fails, all of humankind may face extinction.


About the author, Andy Futuro:

Andy FuturoAndy Futuro is an American writer of speculative fiction. His writing has been variously categorized science fiction, cyberpunk, horror, noir, metaphysical, absurdist, and dystopian. Futuro’s Special Sin series follows a strong female protagonist. She battles aliens, AIs, clones, corporations, psychics, and mutants. She is on a quest to avert the apocalypse. Futuro’s influences include Neil Gaiman, William Gibson, H.P. Lovecraft, Neal Stephenson, Stephen King, and Hugh Howey. Futuro seeks out and devours the best new books on Amazon, especially dark, gritty, and weird stories. His favorite pastime is browsing free books by indie authors and discovering future classics. When he isn’t writing or reading, he is preparing for the alien invasion.

Visit Andy’s website: http://www.andyfuturo.com/


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Free Science Fiction Available Now!

free science fiction availableMortals die; Legends live forever. A Coalition is forming to fight back against the alien oppressors who conquered their world. As they carry out a vital mission, a mysterious, quasi-religious group comes to their aid.

Here is an excerpt from this free science fiction available now:

“I’m not ready to die,” Zaeleth confided his deepest thoughts and fears to his older friend, as he often had.  The two began taking in a view of the city of Southview through the large window within the abandoned factory.  The smaller city once thrived on industry, its terrain lent itself to that use.  Its often raised shoreline overlooked the vast freshwater lake to its north, with a large river that split into two diverging tributaries before reaching the lake flowing through the heart of the city.


About the author of this free science fiction available now, Space Legend, Brandon J. Wysocki:

free science fiction available by Brandon J. WysockiBrandon J. Wysocki was born and raised in northeast Ohio. He is the lucky husband to a wonderful woman, and a proud father to two spectacular children. He’s a fan of science fiction, videogames, outdoors, and overthinking nearly everything.

Follow him on Twitter: https://twitter.com/brandonjwysocki

Like him on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SpaceLegend


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Be sure to visit our Book Deal page to find some great bargains!

Here are some book reviews I’ve written for eBooks on Amazon. If you’re an author and would like to have your book reviewed, send me an email with “Requesting a Kindle book review” as the subject to  jim@newfreekindlebooks.com. I’d love to add it to my “book reviews” page.

In an effort to help Indie-authors promote their Kindle eBook “Free Days” and “Countdown” promotions, here is a list of websites that will list your Kindle eBook.

Michael Pronko’s eBook is free today!

Michael PronkoMotions and Moments is the third book by Michael Pronko on the fluid feel and vibrant confusions of Tokyo life. These 42 new essays burrow into the unique intensities that suffuse the city and ponder what they mean to its millions of inhabitants.

Based on Pronko’s 18 years living, teaching and writing in Tokyo, these essays on how Tokyoites work, dress, commute, eat and sleep are steeped in insights into the city’s odd structures, intricate pleasures and engaging undertow.

Included are essays on living to size and loving the crowd, on Tokyo’s dizzying uncertainties and daily satisfactions, and on the 2011 earthquake. As in his first two books, this collection captures the ceaseless flow and passing flashes of life in biggest city in the world with gentle humor and rich detail.

About the author, Michael Pronko:

Michael PronkoMichael Pronko lives and works in Tokyo, Japan. In the afternoons, he teaches American literature, film, music, and art at Meiji Gakuin University. Mornings, he writes. Fielding questions from students about Jackson Pollock or Kurt Vonnegut and then wandering through Shinjuku’s neon mayhem cooks up most of the ideas for his non-fiction and fiction, and wandering the world’s biggest city evenings and weekends does the rest. After nearly 20 years in Tokyo, what’s obvious becomes curious, and vice versa.

For more information, and a few free essays, go to his website:
Like him on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pronkoauthor

His writing has appeared in The Japan Times, Newsweek Japan, the once-great city guide Tokyo Q, a weekly ST Shukan, Jazznin (Japan’s first bilingual jazz mag), Winds magazine, Jazz Colo[u]rs (in Italian!), and Artscape Japan. His website Jazz in Japan (www.jazzinjapan.com) is the first in English about Tokyo’s great jazz scene. He also continues to publish academic articles and runs a conference on teaching literature. He has also appeared on programs for NHK (Japan’s PBS) and Nihon TV’s “The Most Useful School in the World.”

A suspense novel, The Last Train will be coming out later in 2016.

Beauty and Chaos Awards
First Place Gold Prize for Cultural Non-Fiction Reader’s Favorite 2015 Book Awards
Gold Award Winner in Non-Fiction Book Awards 2015
Gold Creative Nonfiction Elit Awards 2015
Silver Travel Essay Elit Awards 2015

Tokyo’s Mystery Deepens Awards
Gold Creative Nonfiction Elit Awards 2015 (tied with Beauty and Chaos)
Silver Travel Essay Elit Awards 2015 (tied with Beauty and Chaos)