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Everything is possible, don’t wait to be happy.

happyWARNING! Reading this book may lead you to happiness. Do you really want it?

When psychologists spoke to folks at nursing homes and hospices about the regrets they have had in their lives, almost all of them mentioned something that made them unhappy.
Some people wished they had spent more time with their families. Others wished they’d had better health during their lives. Even more wished that they’d taken that risky job, gone on that fun vacation, or married that unconventional girl.
Very few of the regrets expressed had anything to do with owning a plasma TV, or a bank account.
It turns out that the one thing people regret before they die is the fact that they missed an opportunity to become happier.
Everything is possible, if only you make some changes now.
Don’t wait to be happy.
Seize happiness like an exuberant adventurer, because it is within your grasp. Seize it because it will make you healthier. Seize it because it will let you love people more.
But, most importantly, seize it today.
So what are you waiting for? Take this book and start creating your Happiness Now!

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Here are some book reviews I’ve written for eBooks on Amazon. If you’re an author and would like to have your book reviewed, send me an email with “Requesting a Kindle book review” as the subject to  jim@newfreekindlebooks.com. I’d love to add it to my “book reviews” page.

In an effort to help Indie-authors promote their Kindle eBook “Free Days” and “Countdown” promotions, here is a list of websites that will list your Kindle eBook.

Patricia Nedelea’s mystery is free today.

Patricia Nedelea’s mystery thriller has thirty eight reviews on Amazon with an average rating of 4.7 stars. Download her eBook now while it’s free on Amazon.

Constant Guests by Patricia Nedelea

Constant GuestsIsa is a cynical, damaged party girl adrift in a Paris of drugs and fleeting hook ups. Then, her life is abruptly changed when she finds out that her childhood has been fabricated and she has to face up to searching for the truth about her family. But, she soon discovers that she is not the only one searching for answers, and that her life is in danger. As she is drawn into a dark labyrinth of ancient mysteries involving a long-lost pack of Tarot cards, Isa has to decide who she can trust – and whether she can love.



Amazon Review excerpts:

“This thriller combines 14th century European history, an interesting interpretation of the Bible, the history of Tarot cards as well as the wonderful year 1981. Wrap the whole thing up in a Gordian knot of conspiracy theories, and you have the novel, Constant Guests.”

If you are searching for a book that has ties to a thriller, suspense, romance and some history tossed in for good measure this my friend, is your book. You will not be disappointed. Reminiscent too 30 Pieces of Silver and the DaVinci Code, Constant Guests takes you on a wild ride.


About the author, Patricia Nedelea:

Patricia NedeleaMy name is Patricia Nedelea and I’m currently living in Transylvania. After lots of life changes, I decided to become a full-time fiction writer. Constant Guests is my first novel.
My childhood dream was to be on stage, and after years of hard work I became a professional actress. Then I wanted to do something different, so I became an academic: I’ve got four Master Degrees and two PhDs. One of my PhDs was mostly about deconstruction, a reading and writing method I’m in love with. I’ve deconstructed and reconstructed Shakespeare, and the result was the academic book Femina Ludens.

The other PhD was on Medieval and Renaissance history, more specifically on Tarot history. Historians have agreed that the questions about tarot origins are to be left unanswered, but I did not want to accept that. My novel Constant Guests offers an alternative answer to those questions.

Follow Patricia Nedelea on Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/15278943.Patricia_Nedelea


Jason’s eBook in the Misunderstood Series.

Jason RoyleEschatology is a popular but notoriously difficult area of theological study. The scriptures explain the end of the world with prophecies and symbolism that can be mind-numbing and confusing. If you are searching for an unbiased, uncomplicated overview of the end times, this book is for you. When finished reading it, you will go away better prepared to talk about what you know and what you believe about the end times.

Amazon Review Excerpts:

“The book of Revelation can cause many heated debates and even cause people to no longer be friends with each other. This book shows you what some people believe to be their truth. I think if you are new to the book of Revelation you would do well to buy this book and then use the verses and information in this book to further your research.”

“The Rapture: Misunderstood is the third in Royle’s Misunderstood series, where he takes a well known aspect of Christianity and breaks it down into fact from fiction. This time around Royle divides the book into two parts; one a short story to help ease the reader into the subject and the second touches on some basic scripture and doctrine from four different views of the Rapture itself amongst the Christian community.”

About the author, Jason E. Royle:

Jason E. RoyleWriting, for Jason, is a way to express the ongoing story of theology. With every book or article, he hopes readers get a sense of the complexity of God and the necessity of faith. Captivated by the spiritual component of life, Jason loves to read everything from the Greek classics to the Sunday comics. While serving as pastor of a congregation near Memphis, TN, Jason wrote a weekly column in a local newspaper called Sermon in a Nutshell and has had devotions published in The Secret Place, among others.

Jason holds a Master’s in New Testament Theology from Johnson University and a Doctorate in Ministry from Sewanee: University of the South School of Theology. Today he lives with his beautiful wife and children in Schaefferstown, PA, where he serves as the pastor of St. Paul’s United Church of Christ.

Wendy Scott’s eBook is Free Today!

Lodestone by Wendy ScottThere’s a cauldron of trouble brewing in Valloaria…

Download Lodestone today and strap on your broomstick –you’re in for a hell of a ride: The Witch-Hunt Series.

Two tales entwine.
Sabrina and Lauren’s tales entwine – linked by blood and magic. Sabrina, a newly fledged healer, is thrust out of her sheltered life at Mistress Florisah’s healing school after the destruction of the witch-ancestor portraits. An anti-witchcraft militia is poised on Karthalon’s borders threatening full scale genocide, unless Sabrina, the last of Lauren’s bloodline, can destroy the Lodestone, and restore magic to Valloaria, but the Lodestone is buried deep within the heart of the Order’s headquarters.

Sabrina struggles to accept this suicide mission, and is distracted by her inappropriate affection for Micah, a prospect monk. Lauren’s ghost haunts Sabrina’s dreams as her diary reveals the tragic events behind Lauren’s actions. With invasion imminent, Sabrina embarks on her quest armed only with a sliver of the Lodestone, and Lauren’s diary but how can a lone girl prevail against an army?

About the author, Wendy Scott:

Wendy ScottAs a child I had a ferocious imagination and immersed myself in creating stories and poems. One birthday I begged for a chemistry set, sensing the promise of adventure from the glittering vials of copper sulphate and salt. At that time, I didn’t know I was following in the footsteps of my grandfather who had studied science in Edinburgh in 1899. A further trace back into my Scottish ancestry uncovered an ancestor known as ‘the wizard’. So I could dabble with potions too, I gained a NZ Certificate in Science (Chemistry) and worked in a variety of laboratories (salt, meat, dairy and wine) in NZ and Australia. The wine tasted the best!

During my 5 years in Adelaide, Australia, I completed several writing courses at the WEA. When my partner, son (5 months), dog and I moved back to NZ we lived in a house truck for 3 years while our off-the-grid house was planned and built. During this period I wrote on a solar powered laptop and completed many correspondence courses from the AWA.
I write adult fantasy, children’s novels and I’m currently branching into romance.

Please visit Wendy Scott’s websites/blogs:

Retirement Can Be a Time of Fulfillment

Enriching Your RetirementAre you approaching retirement age? Have you just recently retired? Are you one of the thousands who retire every day wondering what they’ll do with all of the free time? In this easy to read and relatable book, the author shares numerous testimonials from people she’s personally interviewed who share your concerns about reaching this juncture in life. This book offers insight into the struggles and victories they’ve experienced with these issues. You’ll learn how they’ve found new interests and are living their retirements with more joy than they’d previously thought possible.

After 25 plus years of working inside of a structured environment, the sudden change to retirement freedom isn’t always comfortable. Especially when the majority of hours spent awake were hours spent at work. Even the necessary structure required to get personal things done on weekends and evenings fed into a reliance on schedules and calendar appointments.
Habits acquired over a time period probably exceeding fifty years, including time spent during high school and college, can be hard to break. Dependency on that structure, and its sudden absence, leave many feeling that they’re without a purpose.  The author’s comfortable and sometimes humorous style of conveying the information you need to move forward, makes this a uniquely enjoyable read.
Enriching Your Retirement covers topics that will get you to take a deeper look into your own life and weigh the pros and cons of:
• Where and how you want to live?
• What kind of lifestyle you want to pursue?
• How you’ll discover new things you might like to try?
• Why your attitude about change sabotages your happiness?

Follow the advice in this book and in a few short weeks you’ll begin to feel a difference, a relief from the pressure of facing the unknown. You’ll be able to look at your future through new eyes. Build your bucket list and start living it now. Tomorrow isn’t a promise, make every day count.

What’s stopping you from having a positive outlook and great expectations for your remaining years?