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Hair on Fire by Larada Horner-Miller

Hair on Fire: A Heartwarming & Humorous Christmas Memoir by Larada Horner-Miller

Experience the magic of Christmas through the pages of Hair on Fire: A Heartwarming & Humorous Christmas Memoir. This delightful book is packed with nostalgia, entertainment, and laughter, making it a must-read for all ages.

Download Hair on Fire: A Heartwarming & Humorous Christmas Memoir while it’s free on Amazon December 11 – 13.

Genostock: Uno by Guy Silver

Genostock: Uno by Guy Silver

Our modern existence has been supplanted by a culture based on coexistence with Gaia. No matter how backward the technology, it’s preferable to harming nature. In that complex world, populated by humans and animal servants created by genetic modification, morality comes in every shade of grey. While three distinct plotlines shape a story ripe with intrigue, family struggle, and desperate fights for survival, shadowy forces are planning to topple humanity from its pedestal and alter the natural order.

Download Genostock: Uno by Guy Silver while it’s free on Amazon December 11 – 12.

Lilith by Wine Lo Borgias

Lilith by Wine Lo Borgias

I am marketing an incredible book called Lilith written by a trans women in Bangkok, a sci-fi, thriller dark romance, equal parts A Court of Thrones and Roses and Borges with a lot of intrigue, end of the world shenanigans, hybrid human-animal sex spies in a burned out Disney Land, and fallen angels refusing to fight Eldrtich demons to save the world.

Leaving it up to our heroine Lilith (a NudiBranch sea slug transformed by dark technology) to try to find herself, love, and humanity in the end times.

Download Lilith by Wine Lo Borgias while it’s on sale on Amazon 12/10 – 12/16.

France Under Attack by Ted Halstead

France Under Attack (The French Agents Book 1) by Ted Halstead

The French Agents answer only to the French Government.
Not the European Union.
And certainly not the United States.
The French Agents will travel the globe and follow their orders, wherever they lead.

Download France Under Attack by Ted Halstead while it’s on sale on Amazon December 6 – 11.

TEAM AVENGING ANGEL by Charles S. Isaacs

TEAM AVENGING ANGEL: Love & Rough Justice in Brooklyn by Charles S. Isaacs

A kick-ass female African-American anti-hero spreads her wings, delivering justice for victimized girls and women. Women she’s protected join with her, and her Italian-American partner, in their quest. Frustrated and threatened by a corrupt criminal justice system, though, the team is forced to work outside, and often against, the law.

Download TEAM AVENGING ANGEL by Charles S. Isaacs while it’s free on Amazon December 5 – 9.