My Ex’s Billionaire Brother by Harley Rose

My Ex’s Billionaire Brother: An enemies-to-lovers contemporary romance by Harley Rose

When I pulled up, the door opened, and I noticed a figure standing near the entrance. I parked in the guest parking spot, aptly marked as such, and took a deep breath as I sat in the seat.

I was the town’s large animal veterinarian. I had to do this. People praised me to the high heavens for the work that I did. So what if this was the same location as one of the worst exes I’d ever had? That didn’t mean David would be there. I wanted to leave, though.
Could I get out of here? I could pretend that I had another animal appointment and leave. But I knew that’d bite me in the ass at some point. People knew me as one of the most responsible veterinarians in the area. I was the only one that most places trusted to help their animals in need.

There was no way in hell I could leave them. I opened the door, assessing the surrounding area, knowing there wasn’t much else.

I guess this was it. This would be where I would have to go to get the patient and give him the treatment.

I walked toward the doorway, expecting David to jump out. I could just deal with this situation and then forget all about it. I was here for the animal, after all.
But when I walked up, I noticed no sign of David whatsoever. A feeling of relief coursed through me, but it was soon replaced by something else.
A feeling of dread. That was because right in front of me was a guy I thought I’d never see again.

It was Caleb. David’s brother and the oldest brother.

When I stopped in front of him, I took in the sight. I always thought Caleb was attractive, but there was no way in hell I’d ever make a move on him. He was the brother of my ex. Probably the same douchebag I dated back in the day.

I learned from my mistake the last time.

However, as soon as we stared at one another, I got lost in his blue eyes, totally at the mercy of his stares. And when I looked back, I realized even I struggled with holding back that little desire that flooded in.

Download My Ex’s Billionaire Brother while it’s on sale on Amazon April 5 -11.


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