Home Free Kindle Books Ignite (Sinful Desires #3) by A.L. Long

Ignite (Sinful Desires #3) by A.L. Long

Ignite (Sinful Desires #3) by A.L. Long

Ignite (Sinful Desires #3): Mafia Romance Suspense by A.L. Long

As I stood beside him, my emotions were taking hold. I never thought that I would see Axe again, let alone stand with him taking in the city lights of Chicago. For no reason other than I was an emotional wreck, one by one, the tears fell. “My life is such a mess.”


Axe pulled me close until our bodies were melded together. My cheek was pressed against his chest and his hands pressed against the length of my body. I could feel the rough texture of his jeans touching my bare legs and the soft material of the buckskin shirt he wore pressed against my arms. As he held me close, I could feel his hands span the width of my back. His body was large, but mine was small, and on the inside, my heart felt both safe and protected. I melted into his embrace and breathed in his scent—pine, vanilla, and sandalwood. As he cradled my cheeks with the palm of his hands, I lifted my chin and offered my lips to him.

“I’m here. Everything will be okay.” His voice was soft, barely above a whisper, as he looked me in the eyes.

I was taken in by the tenderness in his voice, but I was angry that he took away everything we had. Still, I couldn’t bring myself to look away. Instead, my eyes burned into his as his lips fell to mine. The way his tongue explored my mouth sent chills down my spine. I wondered if he knew how much I missed his kiss.

Download Ignite (Sinful Desires #3) by A.L. Long while it’s on sale on Amazon December 19-24.


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