Be sure to download today’s deal before the price goes up. You don’t want to miss The Year Trump Stepped Down by Michael Sandels.
Today’s Deal
2036: The Year Trump Stepped Down!: A Factual, Horrifying Account Sent Back in Time (Through Three Black Holes) To Some Random, Hack Writer by Michael Sandels
‘2036: The Year Trump Stepped Down’ is the hilarious and quirky futuristic-story of America after enduring 20 years with Donald Trump and his family running the show. The bad news is, the place is a catastrophic mess, a barren wasteland similar to the Old West, except now both coasts, East and West, are completely gone!
2036-America is a place where only two types of people exist: the have-nots and the Rich. The have-nots must gut-it-out every day in the dangerous outdoors (suffering other-worldly and disastrous weather patterns along with the better-than-likely chance of getting shot for any reason at all). The Rich reside in the ten domed capital-cities, all of them able to withstand any weather catastrophe from the outside world, and receive every penny of the Administration’s coffers to support their own homes, these ten examples of human ingenuity, these ten-mile-wide luxury-domes called the capital-cities.
Today’s deal is humorous dystopian fiction.
In the novella, an array of 6 different groups of people from every walk of life in 2036-America go about their lives, striving to survive the frequent world-shaking events of the day, all the while desperately trying to figure out what happened to the entire Southern Hemisphere (which rumor has it, is completely missing). To uncover the answers, the book takes its reader into the jaw-dropping, comical and satirical world of the Trump “Regime” (as they’re now called), including Kelly-Ann, Steve Miller amongst others, and the ludicrous wasteland the world has become only sixteen years from our present day.
In short, 2036: The Year Trump Stepped Down is a fun, often-deep, and oft-hilarious page-turner (which can be consumed easily in one day at the beach) (without the kids) that takes its reader into the heart of a future America with this Administration at the helm for two decades, and they’re still refusing to leave, twenty years later.
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Besides Donald J., The Chosen One Himself, the other main characters include THE MCGILLICUTTYS, a family of four trying to survive in the wastelands; BOB AND TED a gay couple who live above the former East Coast as algae farmers in a small hut, suspended above the ocean; the entire TRUMP ADMINISTRATION, including The Chosen One, plus DUKE DON THE YOUNGER, PRINCE ERIC, and PRINCESS IVANKA (all of whom have been trying-out the whole Royalty-thing for the last few years, but it’s all still pretty new to them); ALICE who is a Rambo-like, solo survivor out in the wastelands; and ADMIRAL GRAYSON BILGE, the handsome middle-aged Secretary of War, who has serious doubts about the horror he’s created along with this Administration.
In the beginning, there were the McGillicuttys, a nuclear family just trying to survive in LSD-Chicago (or, “Loser-Sanctuary-Dirty Chicago”, as nicknamed by The Dear Leader in ‘28). Currently, the family is driving their giant Hummer with foot wheels like bats out of Hell in an attempt to outrun a particularly nasty lightning-tornado storm.
Meanwhile, a group of rebels in the burnt-out bomb-rubble that was Canada (the “Cantras”) join forces with similar-minded terrorists, trying to overthrow the Trump Regime.
At the same time, Alice, a survivor of the Canada-Florida Wars who lives out-on-her-own out in the dust-forests, continues her trek to see the famous domed capital of Cincinnati, trapping humans along the way to aid in her sacred quest.
In Cincinnati, Admiral Bilge, the Secretary of War, contemplates his future on a planet that may have none. There’s only one thing left he can do, and it’s been in-the-planning for nearly a decade.
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In the end, it all unravels in tragically humorous ways, with many surprises that are eerily all-too-familiar in stupidity to present-day America. Mostly though, it’s about theTrump family if they would they have continued-on for twenty full years, and the tragic decisions made in the past (and present) which are now re-circling back to haunt them, and, in the end, punish the evildoers in all-too-just ways.