Their Wonderful Solstice by Michelle Vongkaysone
Luke still couldn’t believe it. In what seemed like a moment, the hopes of all were upon him. He shook his head, trying to reason with the situation. Perhaps it wasn’t that bad, considering it centered around his office. Only those he worked with would be affected by what he’d be doing. They’d bear the brunt of it, as would he.
He smiled to himself, forcing himself into a calmer state of mind. A broken grin painted his features, robbing of them of their handsome form. His eyes grew dull, their green depths giving way to blue undertones. As he walked to his car, the wind ran along his skin, sweeping his dark auburn hair out of place. He shivered, his anticipation strange.
Even with what he knew, Luke couldn’t shake the feelings of dread and guilt. He’d taken on far too much, smothering his very being. Once inside the car, he slumped in his seat, clutching its steering wheel. “What have I gotten into?” Luke asked himself. “Why’d I agree to plan our whole party?!” His gaze was unfocused, lost to the notion.