Be sure to download Scott’s “Having It All” novel today while it’s free!
Reconcilable Differences: A ‘Having It All’ Novel by M A Clarke Scott
Fifteen years after her breakdown, Kate has built a successful career as a family mediator, specializing in couple’s reconciliation. In fact, she’s about to receive a prestigious award for her accomplishments.
Her latest mediation brings together a young couple on the brink of divorce, and only Kate’s expertise and sensitivity can save them. It also, unexpectedly, reconnects her with former lover Simon Sharpe, who represents the high and the low points of her life, uncomfortably forcing her to revisit her difficult and painful past.
Still haunted by her unrequited love, Simon’s reemergence in Kate’s life exhumes memories of trauma and heartbreak, along with unwanted feelings of insecurity and self-doubt she believed were long resolved. As Simon and Kate steer their feuding, secretive clients towards reconciliation and navigate their confusing past, their own relationship reignites and takes them on an unexpected path.
About the author, M A Clarke Scott:
M A Clarke Scott’s early loves included two things: books and art. In her world view, blank white pages, canvasses and even blank white walls, were begging for her creations.
Neither of these passions have waned, despite all the other adventures she’s had in the meantime. She wrote her first romance novel at the age of nine, but soon abandoned both writing and drawing for a career in architecture, then an academic career in environmental gerontology. Tiring of both, and still none the richer, she has returned to her first loves, writing and art.
Scott writes about young women on journeys abroad who discover themselves and fall in love while getting embroiled in someone else’s problems… and professional women struggling to balance the challenge and fulfillment of their career with their search for identity, love, family and home. She also loves to weave dramatic relationships into close-to-home sci-fi adventure plots, particularly in the steampunk and cyberpunk sub-genres.
M A Scott lives with a small menagerie of large men and small mammals on the beautiful West Coast of British Columbia, and though she knows she lives in paradise, still loves traveling the world in search of romance and adventure.