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Pecked to Death by Ducks by Rochelle Brandon

Pecked to Death by Ducks: How Minutiae Can Distract You from Living Your Best Life by Rochelle Brandon

Pecked to Death by Ducks: How Minutiae Can Distract You from Living Your Best Life is more than just a clever title—it encapsulates a profound truth about the human experience. The phrase “pecked to death by ducks” may evoke a smile, but its implications are far from humorous. The phenomenon of being overwhelmed by life’s trivialities can have serious, sometimes devastating, impacts on our lives.

Reflecting on the most challenging periods of my life, I realize it wasn’t the monumental crises that truly wore me down; it was the relentless, soul-crushing minutiae of everyday responsibilities. I remember meltdowns after long workdays when I felt too exhausted to cook, wash another dish, take out the trash, or even complete a load of laundry. Any moment of downtime was quickly consumed by the demands of phone calls, text messages, and the high expectations I had set for myself—to be “there” for my patients, family, and friends, day or night. This unsustainable approach to life led to a deep burnout, affecting my physical, psychological, and spiritual well-being.

This book emerged from that place of hard-won realizations. The overcommitment, the multitasking, the constant availability—it was a recipe for disaster. I was forced to reevaluate my priorities and learn to protect my well-being. The insights and strategies in this book are drawn from that journey.

Download Pecked to Death by Ducks while it’s free on Amazon Sept. 6 – 7.



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