Read Nina Hobson’s Dark & Demented Anthology on your Kindle today!
A Dark & Demented Anthology: Horror Blinks (Vol. 1) by Nina Hobson
Come one come all! Enter a place where socks have feelings, your name can truly change your life, and family is all that matters. All these and more await you on our first stop in this dark & demented world.
If you like the creepiness of “Tales from the Crypt,” Rod Serling’s unsettling, “Twilight Zone,” and the deranged speculative fiction of the iconic, cult-like favorite, “Weird Tales™,” then you’ll love the EPISODIC, CLASSIC, DARK FANTASY, SCIENCE FICTION AND SOFT HORROR STORYTELLING in Nina Hobson’s Horror Blinks Collection.
P.S. Dear Reader, after you’ve downloaded this alarmingly disturbed book, open it up to discover how to get another of my books…”A Dark & Demented Anthology: Horror Shorts (Vol. 1)” free, also.
About the author, Nina Hobson:
Homeless mother of four and grandmother of five, (I’d probably have more but it seems my youngest son is dragging his feet), I have been a computer instructor, online book proofreader/editor, pre-k teacher’s assistant and a nursing school project assistant. Currently, I live in Ohio and am a dog person through and through but as yet have no dogs but when I get them it will be four senior shelter ones.
My interests vary and are numerous such as reading cozy mysteries, cooking & baking and watching horror movies (Jason Vorhees is my all time favorite psycho killer). Not to mention, I have a bucket list a mile long, however, I can now scratch being a self-published author of speculative fiction or what I like to call, “soft horror,” off of it.
Soft horror is what I refer to as horror’s softer side. It’s not too graphic, scary or intense for I have a deep love of monsters that show compassion…even though they’ll still rip your guts out and feed on them if the occasion calls for it. Classic horror is a satisfying indulgence but it doesn’t have to always be horrific to be enjoyable. For instance, zombies no longer simply lumber about, they can now flat-out run (Dawn of the Dead (2004)), hold down jobs (iZombie), lead a group of their own (Land of the Dead) and even cooperate with humans to an extent (Z Nation).
?I imagine monsters of all sorts hang onto a bit of their humanity – even if they don’t wear it on their sleeves. Monsters that retain some of their human characteristics and fiction that borders on the fringe of societal norms (such as my Dark & Demented Anthology Collection – that may touch on “delicate” matters) may not be everyone’s cup of tea. In fact, I dare say we that do enjoy it are on the fringe of the horror society. And that’s okay because I know there are others out there besides myself out that share these views so to those…welcome my sisters and brothers to fiction our way.
At present I have three different series: Tainted Blood, Lord Love a Zombie: Dead Inside: Welcome (LLAZDIW) and The Ghoul Who Loved Me (TGWLM). TGWLM is especially close to my heart because it features all of my grandchildren as minor characters and while writing this novella, I had to keep starting over as new grandkids were born at different times during. I based their characters on how I figured they would be as teenagers. I believe I am spot on but only time will tell.
In addition, I’m also the author of two separate sets of Dark & Demented anthologies. You can check out all my books here and please leave a comment (or a review) on Amazon or any of the other book-selling platforms if you’re feeling particularly generous.
Need information? Shoot an email to info@ninahobsonbooks.com. Wanna talk to me personally about your views on speculative fiction or soft horror? Drop me a line at www.ninahobsonbooks.com
My hangouts:
Professional Website: www.ninahobsonbooks.com
Amazon Author Page: amazon.com/author/ninahobson
Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HEJKgsiFGBk