This practical book talks about how you can go beyond the Matrix and take control of your mind, present, and future.
VIBRATIONS: Transcending The Matrix by Q Rigal
I am almost sure that you have heard words like; Energy, Universe, vibrations, Law of Attraction, Quantum Field, Waves, etc. Well, all those are modern definitions of the same ancient Wisdom. But It’s okay. We are in new times, using new concepts, new “thoughts.” But, let me tell you that nothing is new, only new definitions and alternative names of the same Things, same Energy, Same Force of Life.
The most important thing is not the name or the description; it is how we will use it and take advantage of that to get excellent results. In this practical book, I will talk about how you can go beyond the Matrix; Transcend the Matrix, and take control of your mind, present, and future. You have a better life in front of you, and it’s time to take possession of it.
In this essay, I will touch on subjects as; the law of attraction, gratitude, thought control and mind control, self-improvement, and finally, the Power of mastering your mindset. A mental diet is vital for your success, and that is one of my major focuses. I expect this book caused you a genuine change, especially to your subconscious level. I hope you apply all the teachings and techniques stated here while you are reading this book. Only like that, you will notice a genuine change in your inner self and your surroundings.
About the author, Q Rigal:
I was born in South America, Venezuela. Since a child, I feel like having somebody available teaching me whatever I want to know; obeying this “invisible advisor” self-learning, discipline, and responsibilities have been easy skills in my life. I worked in Venezuela in many places, but I had the feeling that I would live in another land.
In December 2000, after a tragic flood in Vargas State where I lived with my family and suffered devastation, I decided to come to the United States. I passed through many challenges, but I became a legal USA Permanent Resident, and after five arriving in the US, I became USA Citizen. I was living and working as a slave, being unconsciously part of the Matrix. However, all the time, That Great Presence that I call Y’Shua (Jesus) has been with me telling me everything that I must do.
When I started to disobey that Inner Voice in all the ways, my life became chaotic at the point that in 2006, I started working in a Real Estate company where I was falsely indicted and accused of a crime I didn’t commit. I paid more than 8 1/2 long years in a Federal Prison, and the initially proposed sentence was 30 years because I took the case to trial. I started my self-studies of the human race, the minds, behaviors, vibrations, frequencies, and the law of attraction. Also, I studied federal, international, and commercial regulations and English as a second language. All studies learn by myself with The Creator’s Help.
I thanks The Creator for The Power of The Vibrations because I could transcend the Matrix and got sentence reduction miraculously and, after that, an “unexpected” release. This is enough information about me; now, let’s focus on you because now the most crucial person is you. I am doing what the Creator is telling me to do; share the techniques and wisdom with you. Here I am to serve you and help you make this journey called life the best experience ever.