Free Mystery Romance Today on Amazon

This free mystery romance has 153 reviews on Amazon with an average rating of 4 stars.

Escape to Osprey Cove: Book 1 of The Osprey Cove Lodge Series by Luisa Marietta Gold

mystery romance by Luisa Marietta GoldFree Mystery Romance 5 Star Reviews

Oh my goodness..this was one of the most interesting books I have read lately. At times, it felt like I knew what was next, only to find I was wrong. It was different from what I usually read, but I enjoyed getting to know the character’s, and now that I have finished it, I find myself missing them, and wondering what will happen next in their lives. I will get the next book in this series, but not tonight…after all, I read on this one until 3:00 AM, and it is already 1:30 AM known! I really have enjoyed it, and can recommend it to others.”

Download this free mystery romance today.

I got caught up in the characters and their interaction immediately. One could see the good and bad in characters although I wish more could have been spent on someone “schooling” Doug on his thoughts on Catherine’s bossiness. I was glad that your story addressed the Rosalind issue very quickly without wasting anyone’s time. I think Rosalind’s decision was the ONLY time I liked her. I purchased book two to see where it leads me.” Free mystery romance now on Amazon.

There is something about Ms. Gold’s writing that drew me in so quickly. The book is not full of surprises, not murder and mayhem, no steamy scenes, but there’s just something about the use of the language that just grabs you in and you have to see what’s going to happen with the characters. It’s a steady ride of getting to know them all and I just love it! I won’t rehash the storyline, but if you like a free mystery romance with well developed characters and a heartfelt story, do yourself a favor and grab this book!

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Here are more free mystery romance books.

Gary Roe – Battle for Your Mind and Heart

For more than 30 years, multiple award-winning author, speaker, and grief counselor Gary Roe has been helping teens and adults heal from past wounds, discover who they are, and live with passion and purpose. With more than a dozen books and 600 articles in print, he has become a trusted, inspirational voice to thousands of wounded hearts. Download “Living on the Edge” by Gary Roe while it’s on sale today.

Living on the Edge: How to Fight and Win the Battle for Your Mind and Heart (Teen Edition) by Gary Roe

Gary Roe - Battle for Your Mind and HeartAmazon 5 star reviews.

“Gary Roe’s book Living On The Edge is the best tool you can have in your First Aid kit when dealing with the pain and anguish during difficult times. Whether you are a teenager suffering from suicidal thoughts, or a teacher, caregiver, or parent, this is your Number One go to book. Precise, effective, quick and easy to read, this book is a powerful solution. This book can save lives and every High School should consider including it in the curriculum as a resource for students , parents, caregivers and educators.”

Download “Living on the Edge” by Gary Roe while it’s on sale today.

Suicide is a tough subject to talk about, especially when the person who is suicidal is a teen. Gary Roe goes to the root of the issue and offers truth to counter the lies that the teen has bought into. This book is a great resource for anyone working with teens or who is a parent of a teen.

“Life is about overcoming,” Gary Roe frequently says. Let him help you face your battles, beginning with this book.

In Living on the Edge by Gary Roe, you’ll learn…
•Why you struggle with feelings of sadness, worthlessness, or hopelessness at times.
•How your struggles come from lies you’ve been fed and embraced along the way.
•How to identify the specific lies tripping you up and keeping you stuck.
•How to begin to replace these lies with the truth.
•How to deal with self-harming or suicidal thoughts that can derail your life.
•Where to go from here to become the Difference Maker you were meant to be.

It’s time to move from walking on the edge of a cliff to living on the edge of your seat. There is much to look forward to. More than you realize.

The battle is raging. You can win it. Download “Living on the Edge” by Gary Roe while it’s on sale today.

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Psychiatric Hospital Fiction – Free Today

Read about the life outside and inside the psychiatric hospital.

Dancing with Rachel by Ken Montrose

Psychiatric Hospital FictionTwo very different narrators voice the novella Dancing with Rachel. Voices torment the first narrator, David an ex-football player just trying to make a life for himself. He calls his auditory hallucinations “The Chorus.” They have names and even personalities. While naïve staff members claim the voices aren’t real, David knows otherwise. He can hear The Chorus clearly. He can point to where they are coming from. How could they not be real?

Taylor, the other narrator and David’s therapist, struggles to stay sober and fight off depression while his wife lies in a coma. He bounces between his job at St. Joe’s, a psychiatric hospital, and the adjoining Lazard Memorial Hospital’s Extended Care Unit. Taylor spends much of his time traveling the cold, antiseptic tunnel between the two hospitals, always seeing the light at the end, but knowing he’s far underground.

Their lives intersect on an inpatient psychiatric unit run by Dr. Rainey, the medical equivalent of an absentee landlord. While at the State Hospital, David meets a patient who knew Doc Rainey when he was an intern struggling with his own boundary issues

‘Regulars’ on this psychiatric unit include Tom, a rapist and master manipulator, whose benign appearance hides true evil. (David describes him a cross between Fred Rogers and a serial killer.)

A patient named Simon wants nothing more than to find peace with God. His size and religious fervor make him the perfect cat’s paw for Tom. This scares David’s ex-girlfriend and fellow patient Monica, as well as their friend Kai. The one patient not afraid of Tom or Simon is Marc, an entrepreneurial genius suffering from bipolar disorder.

As Taylor worries about David, Taylor’s friends worry about him. They watch his spirits and his weight drop as he wrestles with his own demons. An insurance company balking at the cost of a new respirator for his wife doesn’t help.

Life outside the psychiatric hospital can be chaotic,

especially within Kai’s family. His father, a born middle manager nicknamed BiMM, declares bankruptcy, accuses his mother of killing his father, and refuses to believe his wife had an affair. Kai has no doubt his grandmother tampered with the garage door lock, trapping Kai’s grandfather inside. He’s not at all upset when they find the old racist asphyxiated, but he wonders if he’s the only sane person in his family.

Read about the life of Rachel in a psychiatric hospital while it’s free today.

An excerpt best describes the action:
My belly rumbled. Terror. Choked on his own vomit — didn’t somebody famous die that way? Lost. A man was dead. They made his suicide look like an accident. An insane man was judged sane enough to be put to death. He was happy about it. When I shut my eyes, the devils reappeared.
“But Kai got out,” a rare friendly voice said. It made me smile. I even giggled a little. The nurse muttered “inappropriate affect” and wrote something on a clipboard.
“Dr. Stephenson home with his young wife?” I asked. She dropped the clipboard. I’m going to be here awhile.
“He’s never leaving,” a voice said.
Still, Kai got out.

Read about the life of Rachel inside the psychiatric hospital.

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Message of Daily Recovery – Free Novella

Ann traded her body for cocaine. The message for the day we meet her reads: “Today I will remember some things can’t be sold without taxing your soul.”

AArdvarks: A Daily Recovery Message Novella by Ken Montrose

Message of Daily Recovery - Free NovellaAArdvarks tells the story of young people struggling to stay clean and sober. Originally published as a daily blog, each chapter ends with a thought for the day. For example, nineteen year old Ann traded her body for cocaine. The message for the day we meet her reads: “Today I will remember some things can’t be sold without taxing your soul.” Other members include a young man known affectionately as “The Emu from CMU” (Carnegie-Mellon University). He wants to save the world, but has spent the previous year drinking away his frustration.

AArdvarks: A Daily Recovery Message Novella is free today.

James the son of a Kenyan father and a British mother, has seen much of what the world has to offer, including crack, which he quickly became addicted to. Heavy drinking Michaela is angry she got pregnant in high school. She has raised her son alone. Her son’s father and his teenage girlfriend want to re-enter his life. Michaela is trying not to drink or kill them.

“AArdvarks: A Daily Recovery Message Novella” is free today

Despite all his money, Liam struggles. His parents are filthy rich kids in adult bodies, drinking and smoking their way across Europe. They want him to join the party. Julie, never met a drug she didn’t like. Despite being a heavy smoker, she is most terrified she might die from swine flu or a rare cancer not yet diagnosed.

They share their “experience, strength, and hope,” and try to keep each other clean and sober.

Be sure to download “AArdvarks: A Daily Recovery Message Novella” while it’s free today.

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Lessons & Messages for the First Thirty Days

Meditations for the First 30 Days: How not to become roadkill on the highway to recovery by Ken Montrose

Lessons for the First Thirty DaysMany meditation books lift us above the din of our daily existence. This isn’t one of them. Topics covered include learning from people you don’t like, squeezing the joy out of life, not judging people by their appearances, finding peace in noisy places, and never picking up the first drink or drug, no matter what. All thirty lessons have a page for writing a daily inventory and a gratitude list.

From the first day of my recovery I felt caught in the middle. On one side sat the twelve-step traditionalists. Whenever I spoke they told me to “sit down, shut up, take the cotton out of ‘yer ears and put it in your mouth!” Should I need an opinion, they promised to supply one.
On the other side floated people who saw angels everywhere. They explained all experiences in metaphysical terms. They hated the notion that anything might be coincidental and not preordained by the Almighty. Having a summer cold was part of God’s grand plan to help me survive the garbage collectors’ strike.

Between these two extremes, I trudged my own road from alcoholism to sobriety. Along the way I met many people walking a similar path. We held and expressed opinions. Our relationships with God tended to be deep but informal. We were the kind of heretics who believed in coincidences. I have added my own thoughts to their wisdom. With luck the combination will help you find comfort as you take the middle road.

“Meditations for the First 30 Days” has thirty lessons and messages written with the first thirty days of recovery in mind.

This is the first part of Meditations from the Medial Strip. The lessons were written with the first 30 days of recovery in mind. Scattered throughout the daily readings are six crucial messages:
?Don’t pick up the first drink or other drug, no matter what.
?Listen with an open mind.
?Practice rigorous honesty with yourself and others
?Go to any length to stay clean and sober.
?Take stock of your recovery, and stay focused.
?Keep coming back.

Each lesson has a section for your thoughts. There is also a section for taking stock each day. This section asks you to check a box indicating you awoke clean and sober, and another box indicating you went to bed clean and sober. These boxes are the most important part of your recovery. All recovery begins with complete abstinence from alcohol and other drugs.

Each lesson has a space for a gratitude list. Writing a gratitude list helps us see what is good about our situation, and what we can do to improve the future. Sometimes we need to list what could have been worse had we kept drinking and drugging.

Our daily inventories help us remember to squeeze the most out of each day. When you complete this section ask yourself several questions:
1.What did I do today to clear the wreckage of the past?
2.What did I do today to stay clean and sober?
3.What did I do today to strengthen my recovery for the future?

Thirty Lessons and Messages Written with the First 30 Days of Recovery in Mind.

The more effort and thought you put into each lesson, the more you will get from this.

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Home Groupies – Thought For the Day

This is book 1 of the Home Groupies series.

Home Groupies by Ken Montrose

Home Groupies by Ken Montrose“Today I will combine skepticism with optimism in my search for a happier truth.”

Home Groupies is a ‘thought for the day’ book in the form of a novella. Rather than being spoken by a disembodied voice, the daily messages arise from the lives of flesh and blood characters. They struggle with their own issues as they deal with their friend Sharon’s battle with cancer.

“Today I will accept sometimes I am powerless over that which is most precious and painful.”

David, a fifty-something, bipolar, entrepreneur. David cheats on his third wife with a ‘newbie’ half his age who is pregnant by her married boyfriend. What’s unreal is not the soap opera life he leads, but his rock solid belief in himself.

Download book 1 of the Home Groupies series while it’s free today.

“Before you judge me, think about this with an open mind. I am keeping her from hooking up with more predatory men. I am showing her that she can enjoy herself without using drugs. Because my needs are being met elsewhere, I am taking the pressure off my wife. All the while, I am sharing my knowledge of Twelve Step programs and how they work…”

Skipping through the whole narrative is a little girl, Chanel, who has seen way too much, but whose spirit cannot be crushed:

“Small for her age, Chanel was seven, going on thirty, going on three. She would tell you with great pride she had completed second grade and could name all fifty states. Chanel had seen the police and paramedics come for her mother. She knew the smell of crack smoke, and how to be invisible when adults thought someone had stolen their drugs. She wanted to be held, and to know when she would see you again.”

Sue is the most prominent of the female characters. She never smoked a cigarette in her life, and had the tenacity to become the first female president of the local carpenters’ union. Sue is dying of lung cancer. She struggles with two issues: being scared out of her toughness, and her anger at the unfairness of it all.

This is book 1 of the Home Groupies series, download it while it’s free today.

Sharon, Sue’s best friend, accepts the unfairness of Sue’s situation, but worries about her other friends. Sharon’s biggest regret is that she was born too late for Woodstock. She is fluent in eastern philosophy, and mystified others don’t share her appreciation for the mystical.

“Today I will accept that life is unfair.
I will be glad I’m not in charge.
I will beware of how conveniently my wants line up with my desire for ‘fairness.”‘

LeVaughn’s love for what can be seen and measured. He teaches science at the local high school and volunteers at a nearby homeless shelter. LeVaughn is awestruck by all that he sees, and doesn’t understand why Sharon needs to bring unseen forces into the discussion.

Victoria is old money, recovering from her addiction to painkillers. A rival’s ‘Prince Charming’ was killed driving through a snowstorm to visit Victoria for some ‘happily-ever-aftering.’ Victoria still feels guilty about the whole affair.

Home Groupies is a ‘thought for the day’ book in the form of a novella, with daily messages from the lives of flesh and blood characters.

She is a church-lady from old money who looks like she should be sitting at the opera, not at an NA meeting. Victoria started drinking at boarding school. She was introduced to prescription painkillers by a friend. “Street junkies were amazed at how much they had in common with Victoria.”

Victoria’s friend Robert may go to jail. While managing his family’s bank, he combined painkillers, alcohol, and coke with an SEC investigation to bring about his downfall. He has become an expert at acceptance while he waits to see if he will be going to federal prison.

Tom is a tough guy who finally grew up. He walks with a limp he got from hitting a tree in his truck while he was chasing a neighbor. Tom is fighting with his ex for custody of their daughter. He has learned he is powerless over his ex-wife’s behavior.

Home Groupies has a message, characters, and a plot. I know you will enjoy all three.

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Opiate Addiction Help – Free Today

Heroin, Oxycontin, and Other Opiates: Breaking your addiction to them by Ken Montrose

opiate addictionThis workbook looks at the carrot and the stick of opiate addiction. The exercises are geared to helping the reader recognize what motivates him to continue using these drugs. It also discusses common-sense approaches to recovering from addiction.

From the Introduction:
There is a “carrot and stick” to opiates. Imagine a jackass chasing a carrot dangled in front of him on a stick. The animal will chase that carrot until he is exhausted, remembering the taste of the first carrot.

Download “Heroin, Oxycontin, and Other Opiates” while it’s free today.

Now imagine that his master finally allows him to eat the carrot in the shade. The carrot only satisfies his hunger for a few minutes. In what seems like a moment, his master will be hitting him with a stick to get him moving again. Soon his belly is rumbling, his sides hurt from the stick, and he knows he must get up to chase another carrot.

Opiates are the carrot and the stick. The high, and the escape from pain, are the carrot. Withdrawal and all the problems opiate addiction causes are the stick. Addiction is the master. Guess which role you play. This workbook will help you stop.

About the author of “Heroin, Oxycontin, and Other Opiates”, Ken Montrose:

opiate addictionBlind cat

I did a lot of personal research into the life of an alcoholic. The last time I had a drink I made an illegal left turn at 3:00 a.m., hitting a county sheriff. I was $35K in debt. I had just gotten kicked out of my Ph.D. program. My divorce was a month from being final. I lived in an apartment with no furniture. My cat was blind.

When Even the Voices are Hungover
I learned about mental illness by spending ten years helping people with schizophrenia overcome addiction. We’d talk about why partying with the voices was a bad idea, or the importance of not mixing Prolixin with crack. I was humbled by folks who stayed sober despite delusions, paranoia, hospitalizations, and horrible medication side effects.

Download “Heroin, Oxycontin, and Other Opiates” while it’s free today.
Write now?
I started writing when I was in my early thirties. I wrote Dancing With Rachel in 1995, got a literary agent, and became an expert on rejection letters. Greenbriar Treatment Center asked me to write the workbooks we gave to patients. We began selling them online and at conferences, where they were very well received.

Lucky me
I have a wife and two children. They amaze me everyday. I work at a rehab. The people there amaze me as well. Much of what I write is inspired by their struggles. I am working on another daily meditation book for recovering addicts, a series of short stories, and a novella about the clash between a shadow government, the real government, and people forced to take sides.

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Easy Recipes for Healthy Baby Development

The easy recipes in this cookbook for babies are divided into two stages: 6 and 7-month-old babies and babies 8 to 12 months old.

150+ Best Baby Purees Cookbook: Healthy and Easy Recipes with 100+ Tips on Weaning and Solids Introduction by Angelina Gardner

Healthy and Easy RecipesDo you want to raise a healthy baby and save money on jarred baby food?

Of course, you do.  But many parents do not know what types of foods are best for healthy baby development, or at what age they should start weaning a baby.  Relax!  In this book Supermoms and Superdads are provided over 150 delicious puree recipes guaranteed to make your baby want to eat solid food.  And, best of all, anybody can make these baby smoothie recipes with no special equipment or expensive ingredients.  Treat your growing baby to a huge variety of homemade baby food recipes that only take minutes to prepare and taste awesome… even for picky eater babies.

The recipes in this best puree cookbook for babies are divided into two stages. First Stage purees are for 6 and 7-month-old babies and the Second Stage is for babies 8 to 12 months old. These healthy puree recipes for babies include:

  • 2 ingredient vegetable and fruit purees
  • 3+ ingredient purees made of vegetables, fruits or both
  • Complex purees based on baby cereals, meat, fish and dairy products.

This baby food cookbook contains essential information on:

  • When to start weaning your baby and feeding solid food
  • What to choose as the 1st baby food
  • Best first veggies and fruits and their nutrients and health benefits
  • What kinds of spices to use in healthy baby food
  • Chapters are preceded by tables with the information about the suggested quantity of food a baby should be fed at certain ages

About the author of these easy recipes, Angelina Gardner:

author of these easy recipes, Angelina GardnerAngelina Gardner is a 30-year-old Pedagogist whose extensive knowledge and unwavering dedication have led her to becoming a sought-after leader in her field. For the last decade, her ultimate mission has been to help fellow mothers raise healthy children who not only eat nutritious food, but truly love fruits and vegetables. As a proud health-conscious mother herself (of a beautiful baby boy and little girl), she possesses a first-hand understanding of the importance of proper childhood nutrition.

Download these healthy and easy recipes while they’re free today.

In addition to completing dozens of e-courses on cooking and nutrition as well as e-webinars on weaning and solids introduction, Angelina holds her Master’s degree in Pedagogy. Her vast professional and academic background aside, she has an affinity for cooking wholesome meals with all organic ingredients.

During her spare time, Angelina Gardner enjoys spending quality time with her husband, children, and their two cats. She also loves painting landscapes and capturing nature’s beauty through a camera lens.

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Prayer Life Help On Sale Today

Strengthen your prayer life while seeking God in prayer.

Unleash the Power of Prayer in Your Life: A Power that Transforms Lives by Horace Williams Jr

strengthen your prayer lifeFrom a Stroke survivor to an Award-winning author!

Do you desire to experience God’s transcendent power in your life? God in His goodness rescued me from a dark and dangerous path my life was headed down. I have experienced His power in my own life.

Prayer is a mystery that we struggle to understand. Do you realize that your prayer life is a reflection of your relationship with Jesus Christ? Almighty God has given you access to to His throne of grace, and with that access, there is power! Power to transform your life and the lives of others.

In this award-winning book, you will read about some of the magnificent blessings available to you as you strengthen your prayer life while seeking God in prayer.

When you make prayer a priority and pray with purpose; God’s power will be revealed, and lives are transformed!  Are you ready to unleash God’s power in your life?

??? There are so many blessings from an intimate prayer life with God.

Stronger faith, a closer relationship with God. You can have assurance that He hears your prayers, and you receive direction when you hear from Him. Talking with God gives you indescribable hope that will transform your life!

About the author to help you strengthen your prayer life, Horace Williams Jr.

The oldest son of an United States Army captain, Horace Williams, Jr. lived most of his toddler years in western Germany, at the foot of breathtaking mountains.
He then moved to Iowa with his parents as they pursued a life in Christian ministry. Horace accepted Jesus Christ as his Savior at a young age, but he did not seek Him wholeheartedly growing up. He then traveled around the United States with his parents before the family settled in Texas.

In 2010, at the height of his career as a sales and marketing consultant, Horace suffered a massive stroke which paralyzed his left side. It was during those times in the hospital that God recaptured his heart and gave him new purpose in life. Horace now has a passion for Christ. God continues to transform him and renew his mind. He wants to encourage people-reminding them of God’s unconditional love and His transforming power.

Strengthen your prayer life while seeking God in prayer. Download Unleash the Power of Prayer now!
At the suggestion of his baby sister, who knew of his passion for writing, Horace created and writes on a Bible-based blog God has taken his desire to write and use it for His glory. Unleash the Power of Prayer in Your Life is a book born out of love to help strengthen your prayer life. Horace has witnessed God’s amazing power throughout his stroke recovery. There is true power in prayer.

Lord willing, Horace is planning for his next book, to publish in the Fall of 2018. It is his prayer that you are blessed, encouraged, and inspired to seek God in prayer with purpose.

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Cally Edwards – Paranormal Romance

For a limited time,you can get this paranormal romance by Cally Edwards for only $0.99 on Amazon.

Playing with Demons by Cally Edwards

Cally EdwardsIn a world where humans are unaware of the demons that roam amongst them, it’s left to the Nephilim to keep it that way—or at least that’s what Grace Campbell was brought up to believe. Grace might have been born half-Nephilim and half-demon, but her loyalty is wholly on the side of the good guys. She’s dedicated her life to protecting the innocent, and her mixed linage only makes her better at her job. Unfortunately, her blood also makes her the only one capable of entering Hell’s hidden wards.

Download this paranormal romance by Cally Edwards now while it’s on sale.

Now her latest assignment will see Grace endure the trials of the seven deadly sins in order to win a barbaric tournament to secure an important prize for the Nephilim. To survive, Grace will be forced to embrace her dark side and accept the help of her greatest opponent yet, Lucifer’s son. The very sexy Prince of Hell, Zadeon, will have Grace questioning just how bad, the bad guys are.

About the author of this paranormal romance, Cally Edwards:

Cally EdwardsCally Edwards is an Australian Author living in sunny Queensland. With the support of her loving partner, two beautiful sons and devoted family she recently began filling pages with the fantasy worlds she well known for living in.

Equipped with her long-time addiction for all things paranormal romance, Cally is passionate about creating fresh new stories that combine the perfect balance of supernatural intrigue, lovable characters, laugh out loud moments and toe curling romance that will get your pulse pounding.

When she’s not writing, Cally can most often be found devouring a good book, binge watching Netflix, and spending quality time with her family.

Visit Cally Edwards online at for exclusive content and latest updates. Or follow Cally on FaceBook and Instagram @callyedwardsauthor.

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