Elliott Baker’s Free Science Fiction Fantasy

With 99 reviews on Amazon and an average rating of 4.7 stars, Elliott Baker is pleased to offer Return, Book One of The Sun God’s Heir trilogy free today on Amazon. Be sure to download it now while it’s free!

The Sun God’s Heir: Return Book One by Elliott Baker

Elliott Baker's The Sun Gods HeirFor three thousand years a hatred burns. In seventeenth century France two souls incarnate, one born the child of a prosperous merchant, the other, determined to continue a brutal incarnation begun long ago.

In ancient Egypt, there were two brothers, disciples of the pharaoh, Akhenaten. When the pharaoh died, the physician took the knowledge given and went to Greece to begin the mystery school. The general made a deal with the priests and became pharaoh. One remembers, one does not.

The year is 1671. René Gilbert’s destiny glints from the blade of a slashing rapier. The only way he can protect those he loves is to regain the power and knowledge of an ancient lifetime. From Bordeaux to Spain to Morocco, René is tested and with each turn of fate he gathers enemies and allies, slowly reclaiming the knowledge and power earned centuries ago. For three thousand years a secret sect has waited in Morocco.

After ages in darkness, Horemheb screams, “I am.” Using every dark art, he manages to maintain the life of the body he has bartered for. Only one life force in the world is powerful enough to allow him to remain within embodiment, perhaps forever. Determined to continue a reign of terror that once made the Nile run red, he grows stronger with each life taken.

About the author of The Sun God’s Heir, Elliott Baker:

Author Elliott BakerAward winning novelist and international playwright Elliott Baker grew up in Jacksonville, Florida. Having bumped into many different experiences in this lifetime, from taking a water ballet class in college to satisfy a P.E. requirement to shoveling chicken manure on a large farm, he still ranks the water ballet class as one of his best life choices so far. With four musicals and one play published and produced throughout the United States, in New Zealand, Portugal, England, and Canada, Elliott Baker is pleased to offer The Sun God’s Heir trilogy. A member of the Authors Guild and the Dramatists Guild, Elliott lives in New Hampshire with his wife Sally Ann.

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