Be sure to download Dancing with Rachel while it’s free today on Amazon.
Dancing with Rachel by Ken Montrose
Excerpt from Dancing with Rachel:
My belly rumbled. Terror. Choked on his own vomit — didn’t somebody famous die that way? Lost. A man was dead. They made his suicide look like an accident. An insane man was judged sane enough to be put to death. He was happy about it. When I shut my eyes, the devils reappeared.
“But Kai got out,” a rare friendly voice said. It made me smile. I even giggled a little. The nurse muttered “inappropriate affect” and wrote something on a clipboard.
“Dr. Stephenson home with his young wife?” I asked. She dropped the clipboard. I’m going to be here awhile.
“He’s never leaving,” a voice said.
Still, Kai got out.
Amazon reviews for Dancing with Rachel:
Excellent writing
Dancing with Rachel is a tremendous book, by an author with an exceptional understanding of mental illness and it’s ugly realities in current health care. It is also encouraging and hopeful in its presentation of brain trauma and recovery. The plot is excellent, even if a little overdone in the ending. I wish every person could read this book.
Ken is a great storyteller
Ken Montrose’s Dancing with Rachel is sooo Ken! I have had the fortunate experience to have had training under him. Once I started reading it I couldn’t put it down. Great story by an even greater storyteller.

I work with those who suffer from mental illness, specifically schizophrenia, so I was very captivated by the dual perspectives of the patient and the counselor that Dancing with Rachel offered. I was also touched by the husband and wife’s love story. It was a very well written book and one that was hard to put down.
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