Download this workbook about breaking your addiction to opiates while it’s free today on Amazon.
Heroin, Oxycontin and Other Opiates: Breaking your addiction to them by Ken Montrose
This workbook looks at the carrot and the stick of opiate addiction. The exercises are geared to helping the reader recognize what motivates him to continue using these drugs. It also discusses common-sense approaches to recovering from addiction.
From the Introduction of Heroin, Oxycontin and Other Opiates: Breaking your addiction to them by Ken Montrose:
There is a “carrot and stick” to opiates. Imagine a jackass chasing a carrot dangled in front of him on a stick. The animal will chase that carrot until he is exhausted, remembering the taste of the first carrot.
Now imagine that his master finally allows him to eat the carrot in the shade. The carrot only satisfies his hunger for a few minutes. In what seems like a moment, his master will be hitting him with a stick to get him moving again. Soon his belly is rumbling, his sides hurt from the stick, and he knows he must get up to chase another carrot.
This workbook about breaking your addiction to opiates is free now on Amazon.
Opiates are the carrot and the stick. The high, and the escape from pain, are the carrot. Withdrawal and all the problems opiate addiction causes are the stick. Addiction is the master. Guess which role you play. This workbook will help you stop.

The author of Heroin, Oxycontin and Other Opiates: Breaking your addiction to them grips my attention by personifying addiction to various drugs. He also uses analogies, illustrations and quotes to reach my imagination and clarify his points. Very good writing. He also a certified Alcohol and Drug Counselor, with a Master’s Degree in Developmental Psychology. I find it refreshing to read a book written by a profession in the field, not by someone trying to make a buck by copy and paste methods.
The author compares opiates to “the carrot and stick” and a mule being motivated by such. “Even if all your problems are real,” he says, “opiates let you escape rather than deal with them.” So how does one deal with breaking the addiction to them? By “them” he means heroin, cocaine, prescription drugs such as Oxycontin, alcohol, and combination of all these. Following each short chapter are worksheets to help readers work through their problems and understand what they have to deal with.
“Don’t give up. There’s no such thing as a hopeless addict,” he maintains. He gives step-by-step counsel for overcoming addiction. Included are how to find and work with resources such as medical doctors and counselors. You’ll also get an overview of support groups such as AA and DA. Overall, Heroin, Oxycontin and Other Opiates: Breaking your addiction to them encourages those struggling with addictions and provides good counsel how to win over them.