MY POTTY: The potty at the end of the rainbow. by Alice Rose
What could be more beautiful than friendship?
And when your friend is a magical unicorn and a wise guide, it is so much more interesting to discover new things about the world.
Potty training is an important stage in the life and development of every child. But how great would it be if a unicorn friend were to pass on the secrets of using the potty? In Alice Rose’s book The Potty at the End of the Rainbow, this is exactly what happens.
Come and meet Corny Blue the Unicorn. With warmth and humor, she shows her toddler friend how to use the potty. Corny Blue will teach your child to give up diapers in favor of the potty and the basic rules of hygiene of using the toilet.
Download this children’s book by Alice Rose while it’s free today on Amazon.
Onwards to the conquest of new peaks and rainbows with the Unicorn!
In this book, aimed at toddlers and young children, you will find, beautiful professional illustrations with short and simple quatrains that your child can easily memorize.