Sherry Scott – Free Memoir

5 star Amazon review; “Not since a Girl Named Zippy have I been so entertained by a slice of life narrative. Sherry Scott shares the delights of growing up in a small Texas community with a cast of characters living out lives of kindness or neglect written by an adult woman but through the experience of a child.

The People of Nineteenth Street by Sherry Scott

Sherry ScottThe memoir begins on Nineteenth Street in Paris, Texas. The characters in this Northeast Texas hamlet are introduced via their homes, occupations and histories. Reflections on childhood emulations to troublemakers evolve. Those who shaped the author by proximity encompass early memories before a family move brings a perceptional shift in the changing world of 1968. People remain at the center of these tales, aiding her transition from observation to purpose.

Download this memoir by Sherry Scott while it’s free on Amazon.

A career in medicine is finally realized, but interrupted by a season of depression, reconnecting the author to her past. Teachable moments experienced with the “patients themselves” are best revealed through their individual stories in the pediatric oncology wards, AIDS isolation rooms, and the “Butterfly Room.”

The book ends by examining our connectedness, fulfilling its premise “to pay homage to those who have come in and out of my life for however brief or long a time.”

About the Author, Sherry Scott:
Sherry ScottSherry Scott is the mother of four, three still living at home, the oldest is an active Marine, recently home from serving in Afghanistan. She’s a pediatrician who has previously practiced palliative/hospice care for children and received her BA in biology at Austin College, medical school and residency training, at University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio. Her memoir, exploring the year following her mother’s death, is her first literary work. Sherry Scott currently lives in Paris, Texas where she works with the Lamar County Health Department. She enjoys participating in community theatre, Paris Poets’ Society, attempting cello, listening to music continually and apparently driving her teenagers crazy.

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