Free Science Fiction Available Now!

free science fiction availableMortals die; Legends live forever. A Coalition is forming to fight back against the alien oppressors who conquered their world. As they carry out a vital mission, a mysterious, quasi-religious group comes to their aid.

Here is an excerpt from this free science fiction available now:

“I’m not ready to die,” Zaeleth confided his deepest thoughts and fears to his older friend, as he often had.  The two began taking in a view of the city of Southview through the large window within the abandoned factory.  The smaller city once thrived on industry, its terrain lent itself to that use.  Its often raised shoreline overlooked the vast freshwater lake to its north, with a large river that split into two diverging tributaries before reaching the lake flowing through the heart of the city.


About the author of this free science fiction available now, Space Legend, Brandon J. Wysocki:

free science fiction available by Brandon J. WysockiBrandon J. Wysocki was born and raised in northeast Ohio. He is the lucky husband to a wonderful woman, and a proud father to two spectacular children. He’s a fan of science fiction, videogames, outdoors, and overthinking nearly everything.

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